Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
January 11, 2015

These wicked, evil feminist bitches have really taken it too far this time. They should never even be allowed near young boys, let alone be put in a position of authority over them.
A teacher ordered two seven-year-old boys to strip to their underwear at a Danish school before threatening to cut off their penises with a pair of scissors.
The pupils were made to take their clothes off after forgetting to bring Santa hats to a Christmas party at Strandmølle School in Assens, western Funen.
It has been reported that the youngsters were also told to climb into bin bags in front of the whole school.
The school admitted that the action was inappropriate adding that even though it had not been funny, it had only been meant as a joke.
But the parents were not satisfied with the response and complained to a child protection group, which urged them to report it to the police.
The school’s deputy chairman of the board, Thomas Hald, said: ‘It is correct that it happened and that this type of humour is something that we on the board naturally do not condone.’
He said the fact that the teacher apologised was enough and regarded the matter as closed.
This is no joke, this is horrific behavior and the teacher should never be allowed near children again for the rest of her life.
What would the school be saying if a mock female genital mutilation ceremony was carried out by a teacher?
This evil penis-envying witch deserves to wake up on a operation table with her womb just about to be cut out of her by a Jewish surgeon.
And that still wouldn’t come close to the horror of what she has done.