Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 15, 2014

Denmark may have the most restrictive immigration policy in the EU, but they are still being invaded and conquered.
In the past five years, the Danish population has grown by more than 115,000 people, and only 15,000 of these people are ethnically Danish. The other 100,000 are about half from other European states and half from non-White nations.
The Home Office to the Parliamentary Committee on Immigration and Integration Affairs has confirmed that from 2009 to 2013, 86% of population growth was from immigration. If we do the math on that one, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this is a trend which ultimately leads to a genocide of the Danish people, regardless of the time frame.
Torben Tranæs from the Rockwool Foundation Research Unit ( RFF ) is presentlying urging politicians to increase “integration” programs, claiming that immigration is sure to intensify in the future, saying “Therefore, it is crucial that immigrants from outside get placed in jobs as quickly as possible, and the descendants effectively trained and integrated. ”

Danish People’s Party’s immigration spokesman Martin Henriksen says that immigration needs to be tightened, especially immigration from non-Western countries, “If we fail to tackle it, that will have a catastrophic effect on our ability to keep our country.”
Thankfully, the Danes have the National Front of Denmark (Danmarks nationale front), which stages regular demonstrations against the destruction of their nation.
Here are some pictures of those brave boys.