Denmark: Girl and Her Dog Stoned and Thrown Into a Lake by Muslims

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

May 29, 2014

Sara and her dog before the attack.
Sara and her dog Emperor before the attack.

Stoned, beaten and thrown in a lake.

Thus ended the night for Sara Illum Lund-Jensen, who was walking her dog Emperor in Odense, Denmark.

The 23- year-old woman says she was just out strolling when four Muslim men came upon her.

Odense, Denmark, birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen
Odense, Denmark, named after a shrine of Odin, celebrated its 1000 year anniversary in 1988.  It is the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen.  Muslims do not belong here.

First, the Muslim men began asking questions about the dog’s breed and age, but quickly their interest turned to unexplainable rage.

“One began to kick my dog, which made me really mad. Then one of them threw a stone at us, which hit my dog,” says Sara.

When she tried to protect her dog from the stones, the Muslims began throwing them at her.

Sara after the beating at the hands of four Non-White Muslim immigrants.
Doing a bit better, but still heavily bruised
Doing a bit better, but still heavily bruised

“They knocked me to the ground and started kicking me, then rolled me into the lake. I was lying there along with my dog, while they threw more stones at us,” she says.

The four men then disappeared, and an elderly woman came and helped Sara out of the lake.

“I was both soaked and deeply shaken,” Sara says.  She also had a bruised face and body from the stones and the beating she received from the men.

She uploaded a short and emotional video about the attack to her Facebook account shortly after it happened (English subtitles).


She then gave an update a few days later (no subtitles):


She has continued to give updates on her Facebook page, and thanked all those who showed their love and support.  She and

What kind of pathetic, broken down and failed men are willing to allow this sort of thing to happen to women on the streets of a city that their ancestors built?  If our grandfathers had allowed this, we wouldn’t even exist.  We would have been wiped out centuries ago.

This event is a shame on the family names of each and every Danish man who has stood by and allowed the invasion of this once proud nation by the savage hordes.

More info about this crime:

You killed me so that your women could be stoned, beaten and thrown in the lake in a town your ancestors built.
“You killed me so that your blonde-haired girls could be stoned, beaten and thrown in the lake by an invading horde in thousand year old town built by your ancestors in honor of an ancient god of war.”