Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 12, 2018
To be clear, this is from last night (early morning SG time), before the main meeting, right after the handshake, during Trump and Kim’s one-on-one. Dennis was there in Singapore for the event.
I’m used to seeing black people blow people’s minds out the backs of their heads – but not like this.
Dennis is a truly unique Colored Gentleman. You know, you do have these outliers in every group.
He told Chris Cuomo – the rat – that he talked to Kim five years ago about making a deal and he tried to talk to Obama about it and Obama just brushed him off and wouldn’t even have a conversation with him (I think rill niggas make Obama nervous because he’s such a pussy, but he also just didn’t give a shit about solving a war situation).
Cuomo couldn’t believe that a Colored Gentleman (AKA OG Based black guy in a MAGA hat) was saying these things about the anointed mulatto savior Obama.
Dennis then started crying and saying he couldn’t even go home after saying the North Koreans were good people, because he was getting so many death threats – I can only guess (((where))) those were coming from!
There’s actually a pretty good chance that none of this would have happened without Dennis.
I think he should be made ambassador to North Korea.
No joke.
That would be appropriate. And hilarious. Because the libshits would come out like “HE’S NOT QUALIFIED HE’S DUMB” and it would be like “u racist bro?”
He says he doesn’t know anything about politics and when he first went to North Korea he thought it was a charity event and didn’t know any of the history. That’s perfect.
This isn’t really a political thing anymore. The war ended on July 27th (my birthday, btw) in 1953. This whole North Korea thing is a human situation with a bunch of bizarre elements that created a situation that otherwise wouldn’t make any sense.
Like he says about Obama blowing him off – it was useful to the West to have a bad guy. That’s why they let this thing go on this long. They made North Korea into this bad guy – not the other way around. The politics are very simple. It is the human side that is complicated.
So yes.
Make Dennis Rodman the ambassador.
And hey – Ta-Nahesi Coates – let’s get an article about how Dennis Rodman is a white man in a black body oppressing other black bodies with the empowerment of institutionalized white supremacist microaggressions. I won’t read it. No one will. But it would be really fun if you did that, Ta-Nahesis.