Deplorable Kike Faggot Milo Says Alt-Right is Not a Misogynist, Hateful, Racist, Homophobic, Anti-Semitic Basket

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 11, 2016

The deplorable Jewish homosexual Milo Yiannopoulos is still touring the media and defaming the Alt-Right by claiming that it doesn’t hate Jews, Blacks and homosexuals.

He appeared on CNBC on Thursday to play this shtick once more, repeatedly making this face:


When asked if the movement is driven by racism et al, he says that there is a small minority of people who are racists, but the majority are not.

The question is: who is this majority that isn’t racist? What are the names of the people they represent? What are their websites?

Even the most liberal/moderate elements of the movement, represented by Richard Spencer, are talking about a “White ethnostate” which – thankfully – won’t allow Jews. I know of exactly no one who fits the description Milo is giving of the majority of the movement.

This is one of the most weird experiences of my life.

We – racist, Nazi trolls – have created a political movement, then like something out of a bad acid trip, a random Jewish homosexual shows up and declares himself the leader and the media is like “yeah, this guy is the leader.”

And yes, he does say “I’m not the leader,” but the reason he does that is because so many people within the movement have the idea that it’s okay for him to represent us as long as he doesn’t say he’s the leader. So he can go ahead and play the role of the leader, defining what the movement is, as long as he keeps saying he isn’t the leader.

But it isn’t okay.

Who are we trying to appeal to here?

Young, masculine White men who see an appeal in traditional values.

What do young, masculine White men dislike?

Effeminate homosexuals.

What he is doing by claiming to represent us is damaging and defaming us, even if his claims that we aren’t really racists are just part of some elaborate kike ruse.

What we need is an image of strength, of defined purpose. And if people are going to represent us, they need to be representative of us. If I knew nothing about the Alt-Right and saw the above interview with Milo, I would assume it was a homosexual hipster group, and there would be no element of it which would appeal to me, beyond the support for Donald Trump.

Obviously, Milo is a marketer attempting to fill a niche. He saw a void in this movement, and when he saw that Gamergate had mostly fizzled, he jumped in and became the spokesman for a spokemanless movement.


Well, we need a real spokesman.

I can’t do it because I’m too hardcore for that role. I also don’t have the time and I’m not really interested.

I don’t even have any idea who should do it, but I know it isn’t think guy.

Off the top of my head, I would say Seventh Son from TRS or Jazzhands McFeels from Fash the Nation. But neither use their real names and presumably aren’t interested in this job.

So who’s left?

Sam Hyde?

Please submit options in the comments section, then we will do a poll.

And note that I’m not talking about appointing a political leader right now. I’m just saying we need a spokesman. We have people trying to represent us who don’t represent us and we need to represent ourselves. It’s important and it’s an immediate problem.