Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
April 20, 2015

A mucky slut and self-confessed “whore” (see her website) masquerading as this generation of drama teachers has damaged the minds and forever ruined the appetites of a class full of students at Queen Mary University in London.
Lauren Barri-Holstein, in all probability a festering Jew, decided that the kind of dramatic education offered by studies of Aeschylus or Seneca the Younger lacked a certain Semitic injection of gory pornography essential to modern humanities.
So instead of taking them through the rudiments of character improvisation, elocution or physical expression, she showed them a video of herself simulating masturbation with a tampon, and chopping up tomatoes with a knife, the handle of which she inserted between her corned-beef curtains.

As students gaped in the kind of stunned catatonia that comes from witnessing a particularly nasty childbirth, this first lady of the gutter cavorted nude, gyrated about, and had her legs suspended from the ceiling for some undisclosed purpose. This magnificent video of her epochal performance was then elevated to even loftier dramatic heights when she urinated with her very own wee-wee on the stage — a moment where the overpowering effect of awe on those present deprived this illustrious PhD student of a well-deserved vigorous round of applause.
As Shakespeare banged his head against the celestial desk of his theatricals failures, he watched from beyond the grave of ages as Ms. Holstein took the dramatic arts to places that he was too feeble in his simple Goyim manhood to have ever contemplated.
Of course, all those louts and philistines that lost their lunch into whatever available receptacle happened to be at hand, had failed to comprehend the weighty themes that the one-woman show bravely explored, yet also ingeniously refused to explain.

Anyone unworthy enough not to have instinctually understood the artiste’s intentions could have lowered themselves to reading the class syllabus, which elucidated, “This module looks at what is specific to the form of theatre, by exploring how to achieve, in theatre, effects and meanings founds in other art-forms.
“It conducts this by means of a practical exploration of the processes and techniques for adapting other material into theatre, supported by relevant readings, screenings, visits and performances as appropriate.”
Got that, dummies?
Yet, while we uneducated Goyim oafs fail to appreciate the finer things in life — like having a shrew widdle on stage in the name of art — at least one student had managed to find suitable words to express what they had witnessed, saying, “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look her in the eye in person, it’s just weird.”