Deranged Pervert Paul Ryan will Give Special Speech for Dumb Ape Martin Luther King

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 19, 2016


Our government is deeply ill.

Our alleged “conservatives” and mingling in a sick and depraved way with filthy apes.



U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan will be the special guest of a Dallas minister during a public forum on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

The two leaders have special interests in helping those living in poverty.

Ryan will be at the library in downtown Dallas late Monday to continue MLK’s legacy. He was invited to Texas by Pastor Omar Jahwar of Kingdom War Church, who was a guest of Ryan’s during the State of the Union last week.

The pair became friends 18 months ago when they were featured in a series of short films called “Comeback,” spotlighting people who overcame adversity.

The pastor says Ryan called him, asking to see his work in Dallas and find out what he does to create a violence-free zone in schools.

This is Pastor Omar Jahwar:


Who, specifically, supports this monkey agenda of Paul Ryan?

Why has he engaged this agenda?

No one can explain it.

We need these faggots out.

We need:
