Desperate Clinton Campaign Promises to Reveal the Truth About Aliens

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2016

Increasingly desperate for relevancy, the Clinton campaign is now promising they will reveal the truth about alien life contacting earth.

Next she’s be saying she’s going to get to the bottom of the chemtrail conspiracy.


There has long been an air of conspiracy surrounding theories of alien life, and the head of Hillary Clinton’s campaign said Thursday it’s time to do away with the secrecy.

CNN’s Jake Tapper pulled aside Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, who was a guest on “The Lead,” to talk aliens.

“The U.S. government could do a much better job in answering the quite legitimate questions that people have about what’s going on with unidentified aerial phenomena,” Podesta said.

Podesta has made his interest in the possibility of alien life and conspiratorial leanings toward Area 51 well known. During his time serving in the Obama administration, Podesta tweeted, “Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files.

Clinton herself pledged in January to “get to the bottom” of whether rumors of U.S. contact with extraterrestrial life were true.

In regard to Area 51, Podesta echoed Clinton’s call, saying, “What I’ve talked to the secretary about, and what she’s said now in public, is that if she’s elected president, when she gets into office, she’ll ask for as many records as the United States federal government has to be declassified, and I think that’s a commitment that she intends to keep and that I intend to hold her to.”

Last month, Clinton was on Jimmy Kimmel and said the same thing.