‘Destitute’ Asylum Seeker Claims Thousands in Benefits While Earning £74,000 in Cash

Daily Stormer
July 17, 2014

Theresa May has been ordered by the borders chief to get a grip on asylum fraud.

These people are supposed to be absolutely destitute and unable to survive without the help of a foreign country, yet here we have one that was caught with £74,000 in cash.

This had been earned from working illegally and undercutting White people.

At the same time as doing this, he was claiming benefits and accommodation that were all paid for by the tax-payer.

If these creatures are capable of working, then they are capable of staying in their own country and rebuilding it, they have no business in even being in any White countries.

John Vine, the Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, said half of the recommendations in his report into the asylum system related to improvements in tackling fraud.

Daily Mail:

An asylum seeker who claimed they were ‘destitute’ to get thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money was found to have £74,000 in cash and illegal wages.

The scandal was unearthed by the immigration watchdog in a damning report which exposed widespread fraud in the refugee system.

John Vine, the Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, estimated that asylum fraud cost taxpayers £1.2 million a year. But he warned that the true amount was likely to be ‘substantially higher’.

Mr Vine said the Government was failing to tackle asylum seekers ripping off the taxpayers.

The largest fraud seen by the chief inspector saw an asylum seeker handed £18,000 in support, while pocketing £74,000 from other benefits and wages from working on the side.

The unnamed claimant was caught, but avoided jail – receiving a 12 month suspended sentence for fraud – and was not even asked to repay the cash even though they had £10,500 in savings.

Another asylum seeker and her husband illegally pocketed £11,000 in child benefit and child tax credit. The pair saved £10,000 of the benefits – but were only ordered to repay £6,000.

Another supposedly destitute asylum seeker who was found with two laptops, a TV, several mobile phones and an exercise machine.

Destitute asylum seekers can apply for ‘asylum support’ once they have been allowed to stay in the country.

Still they keep coming…