Clement Pulaski
Daily Stormer
June 5, 2014

The world of feminism is one of illogical fantasy. We have previously examined the insane feminist position that bearing children should be optional, a position which ultimately leads to extinction.
We now take up an equally insane tenet of feminism, that men should simply “learn to control” the lust that we experience when exposed to naked or scantily clad women, another position completely at odds with biological reality and human experience.
The latest example of this feminist meme comes from Canada, where a 17-year-old student felt “shamed” when asked not to wear distracting short shorts in the classroom.
From the Daily Mail:
A Montreal high school student has unwittingly started a revolution by refusing to change out of a pair of shorts that high school authorities deemed too short.
Lindsey Stocker, a grade 11 student at Beaconsfield High School, donned a pair of denim shorts on May 21, one of the first hot days of the season but was ordered to change by her school’s vice principals.
She refused, and instead printed a poster that she plastered over the school, questioning why girls’ bodies were the focus of the rules instead of boys’ behavior…
The posters read, ‘Don’t humiliate her because she’s wearing shorts. It’s hot outside. Instead of shaming girls for their bodies, teach boys that girls are not sexual objects.’
The posters were taken down by teachers after about 10 minutes, but they live on in social media.
Stocker also has won the support and admiration of other girls at school.
‘Most people are agreeing with her, women shouldn’t have to cover themselves up completely because we shouldn’t be viewed as sexual objects,’ student Sierra Drolet told CJAD News.
Lauren Paquay, 15, showed up wearing shorts in support of Stocker. She said the dress code verification – making girls stand up with their arms by their sides to ensure their outfits are fingertip length – is ‘humiliating.’
‘People are being judged for the way they dress, they have to change because boys look at them. The boys should be the ones who have to learn to treat women better and look at them in a different light,’ she told CBC.
Stocker is simply acting out on a smaller level the massive feminists push against “slut shaming” that exploded with worldwide slut walks a few years ago. The basic premise is this: women should be able to wear whatever they want, and if men are affected by it sexually, then men should be shamed for their biological impulses.
In this feminist position, we can see the convergence of two fundamental liberal assumptions:
1) the individual should have complete freedom of personal choice, regardless of how this affects society, and
2) all behavior is based on environmental conditioning, not biology, so people should be able to change their behavior, no matter how “natural” this behavior seems to be.
Unsurprisingly, the feminists do not cite any evidence from the biological sciences that suggests that teenage boys are capable of learning not to be distracted by scantily clad women. Nothing short of castration can prevent a male from desiring a female acting in a provocative manner.
It is also worth noting that the “slut walk” movement began after a police officer offered the completely sensible advice that women who want to avoid unwanted male attention should not dress provocatively. The feminists immediately took this to be a case of “victim blaming”, and rarely, if ever, considered whether there could be a real correlation between provocative dress and sexual assault. If the police officer had told people not to walk through dangerous neighborhoods while wearing expensive jewelry and flaunting rolls of dollar bills, we doubt there would have been any uproar.

Feminism and the hypersexualization of society are two of the most powerful weapons used by the Jews against us. And while both of these tools have been very effective at destroying the traditional family, there has often been conflict between the two. Many feminists have objected to the exploitation of the female body in advertising and pop culture, arguing that it “objectifies women”. This feminist critique is certainly correct, but with the development of the “end slut shaming” movement, blame for the objectification of women is placed exclusively on the male mind that is exposed to this hypersexual material. The women who participate in producing this material are never to blame for how it affects men. Those who produce the product are lauded and defended, while those who consume the product are demonized. In this way, feminism and hypersexualization are harmonized.
Thus far I have focused on the strong role that biology plays in human behavior, and some might object that this position ignores the human ability to overcome our base animal desires. As a Christian, I certainly affirm that, with God’s help, it is possible to war against the lusts of the flesh. However, this war against the flesh is much more difficult than feminists would have you believe. A man cannot simply decide one day not to view women as sexual objects. The path to sexual continence takes years of ascetic practice and prayer.

Many devoted monks who desired nothing more than to escape the lusts of the flesh spent years living in isolation. They sought not only to avoid contact with women, but also to blot out from their minds any memory of attractive female forms. And even after years of living in this way, these men still feared that contact with women could cause them to lust again.
For us Christians who live in the contemporary West, it is a constant struggle to avoid sexual feelings when being in public. Especially in the warmer Summer months, every trip to the store becomes a spiritual battle against the flesh. There are countless times when we must avert our eyes and pray to God for the strength to avoid giving a scantily clad woman a second look. But even when we are strong enough to avoid feasting our eyes upon half-naked women, this is most definitely still a form of distraction.
If avoiding distraction is impossible for Christians, who feel that their souls are at stake if they do not combat lustful feelings, then how on earth can we expect teenage boys raised on Jewish pop culture to “learn to respect the female body”?