Details of Shootout Reveal How White Man Died Defending Wife from Tribe of Armed Savages

Kansas City
February 2, 2015

Jon Bieker and Becky Bieker co-owned She’s A Pistol, a gun store at 5725 Nieman Road in Shawnee. Jon Bieker, died after a tribe of primitives entered the premises.

Becky Bieker had her hands up, with two guns pointed at her, when a robber knocked her to the floor of her Shawnee gun store.

That’s when her husband, Jon Bieker, emerged from a back room and the bullets started flying.

Those details of what happened earlier this month inside She’s A Pistol during an attempted robbery were revealed publicly for the first time Monday.

In the ensuing exchange of gunfire, Jon Bieker was fatally injured and three of the four would-be robbers were wounded.

Court documents made public Monday describe surveillance video inside She’s A Pistol at 5725 Nieman Road that captured the brief, intense gunfight.

The usual creatures were involved with yet another death of a White man.

The suspects — Londro E. Patterson III, 20, Deanthony A. Wiley, 19, Nicquan K. Midgyett, 19, and Hakeem W. Malik, 18 — are charged with first-degree felony murder. Wiley remains hospitalized.

According to the court documents, the video shows:

Wiley enters the business just after 2 p.m. Jan. 9 and talks with Becky Bieker, who owned the store with her husband. She can be seen showing him a firearm, which he looks at and returns.

The three other suspects then enter.

Wiley and Patterson pull out handguns and point them at Becky Bieker, who raises her hands. Midgyett jumps on the counter and “confronts” Becky Bieker, striking her and knocking her to the floor.

If these creatures were not allowed in White premises, the store owner would still be alive.

Jon Bieker comes in from a back room and fires a weapon. The documents do not say what type of weapon he had.

Three of the suspects “scatter out the door of the business,” and one crawls across the parking lot outside.

Wiley drops to the floor near the front of the store. Jon Bieker comes from behind the counter “in a circular pattern to confront Wiley.”

At that point, “Jon Bieker appears to be shot in the leg and drops to the floor,” but continues to fire his weapon.

Becky Bieker grabs a phone, but she also has a weapon.

As she approaches her husband, Becky Bieker fires in the direction of Wiley.

Mop-head Malik and his tribe of misfits have all been charged with the killing.

When Shawnee police arrived, they found Jon Bieker and Wiley inside the business. Patterson was on the ground just outside.

Police arrested Midgyett and Malik in a nearby neighborhood after they pounded on a home’s back door and yelled for help.

Malik, the only suspect who was not injured, was taken to Shawnee police headquarters, where he gave a statement to detectives.

Malik said that Wiley had picked him up at his house to go to a gun store to look at guns. Malik said he did not know the other two men who were with Wiley, according to the court documents.

Malik told police that he saw Wiley talking to the woman in the store when someone jumped over the counter. Malik said he heard gunshots and ran.

When asked about the surgical mask he was wearing, Malik said he had been sick and had a cough.