Detroit: Humane Society Offers Reward for Info Leading to Arrest of Man Who Mutilated Dog

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 19, 2017

There is hardly anything more heartbreaking than the vicious mutilation of a good-natured dog.


The Michigan Humane Society is now offering a $2,500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person/s responsible for brutally disfiguring a rottweiler.

The dog was found on the city’s southwest side on Tuesday.

A concerned citizen saw the poor dog and called the Humane Society.

Doctors say the dog’s nose and ears were viciously removed. The dog also had cuts to his tail and back legs.

Mark Ramos, one of the Society’s lead cruelty investigators said quote, “This kind of cruelty is unacceptable. We need to be a voice for these animals and as a community we need to speak through our strong actions to make sure this doesn’t happen again. This animal deserves justice.”

Anyone with information is urged to call the MHS hotline now at (313) 872-3401.

And is there anyone, anywhere who imagines this is a white man who did it?

I’ve been saying forever that we nationalists are not the only ones who can fulfill the dreams of the right-wing – but the only ones capable of adequately meeting key demands of the left-wing as well.

Some of the dreams of the left-wing are impossible to fulfill. You can’t have a peaceful interracial society, and you can’t have the open embrace of sexual deviancy and protect children at the same time.

However, most of the other left-wing demands we can meet:

  • We will protect the environment
  • We will protect the people from exploitation by super-rich Jewish capitalists
  • We will ensure proper health care for all people
  • We will ensure proper primary education for all people
  • We will make sure those with the aptitude for higher education don’t have to take out loans to pay for it, and those without the aptitude are given jobs which allow them to make a living wage
  • We will ensure history and beauty is protected (no tearing down historic buildings to put up plastic apartment complexes)
  • And we will protect animal rights

I think it is high-time someone made a leftish nationalist platform.

The site would write itself.

Many of our people are drawn in by left ideals, and we need an outlet to make it clear to them that we are the ones who actually represent these ideals.

Someone needs to do it.