Devious New Study Promotes One-Night-Stands by Ignoring Long-Term Effects

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
June 27, 2014

Thankfully they are not promoting race-mixing in the accompanying picture.

A new study is being promoted by Time as a way to encourage people to sleep around more.

The enemy knows that the more someone sleeps around, the less likely they are to be able to form a stable, long term relationship conducive to raising children, which is the only way to actually find genuine contentment in this world.  So instead of focusing on the long-term effects of immorality over years, the study just focused on the immediate short-term effects over weeks. Which is kind of like asking someone whilst they are high on drugs whether they feel good and then telling people ‘hey, we’ve done a study that proves that taking drugs is great!’

The study has been carried out by NYU and Cornell university.

From Time:

Turns out that no-strings-attached sexy times are good for you, so don’t let the haters stop you from doin’ your thang.

A recent study conducted by researchers from NYU and Cornell dispels the popular notion that casual hookups — defined as sexual activity outside the context of a romantic relationship — will leave you with low self-esteem and depression. The research,published in the journal Social Psychology and Personality Science, involved a group of NYU students who kept a weekly diary over the course of 12 weeks documenting any and all adult snuggles — and the effect those instances had on their overall well-being.

Sociosexually unrestricted students reported higher well-being after having casual sex compared to not having sex, the researchers found. Also, those who were sociosexually unrestricted reported lower stress and greater overall emotional health after casual sex. (This is … maybe not super surprising.)

Although past reports have shown that women are less likely than men to orgasm during casual sex, this particular study showed few overall differences between genders.

The study’s authors explained that “the effects of casual sex depend on the extent to which this behavior is congruent with one’s general personality tendencies.” So, in other words: if you want to have casual sex, you definitely should. If you do not want to have casual sex, you shouldn’t. The main takeaway of this study? You do you.

So, basically the conclusion they want you to take from this, is ‘Do as thou wilt.’ If it feels good, then do it. Never mind what the consequences on society are, or the consequences for your future children, or lack of them. Just live for now and don’t worry about the future.

It is this ‘take it all now’ attitude that has caused us all the problems which we are now facing. We should reject immorality and do all we can to just stick with one partner, your children and your grandchildren will love you for it.

You don’t get large families like this by sleeping around.