Diabolical Jews Demand Trump Create “Anti-Semitism Task Force” to Punish the Goyim

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 5, 2017

The Jews are organizing to try to bully Donald Trump into creating a terroristic government strike force to punish the goyim for thinking wrong thoughts.

The Jews are the most powerful people on the planet, controlling virtually everything. And they expect the stupid goyim to believe they are also the most oppressed, and must have special teams to protect them from people who are… making prank calls against them or whatever.


A bipartisan House task force on anti-Semitism is urging President Donald Trump to set up an interagency mechanism to tackle the issue in the wake of waves of bomb threats against Jewish institutions and several cemetery vandalism attacks.

Similar to the interagency task force you proposed for dismantling criminal cartels, this instrument, led by the Attorney General, could bring together the Departments of Justice – including the FBI – Homeland Security, Education, and State, and the Director of National Intelligence, to help synchronize governmental responses to anti-Semitic threats,” said the letter sent Thursday by the task force, which brings together some of the most senior members of both parties in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Particularly with recent public reports that these threats may be originating overseas, we must engage all agencies responsible for our nation’s security from threats emanating at home and abroad,” it said. “The range of participating agencies can also improve classification of and responses to attacks, and ensure Jewish communities are fully briefed and prepared to respond appropriately to threats and attacks.”

Well, I would be in support of a limited cooperation to find out who is making these prank calls.

As I am convinced it is Jews, probably working in tandem with the ADL itself.

Among the eight members of the task force are Reps. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., the ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee; Ted Deutch, D-Fla., the top Democrat on its Middle East subcommittee; Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., the chairwoman of the Middle East subcommittee; Chris Smith, R-N.J., the chairman of its human rights subcommittee; Kay Granger, R-Texas, the chairwoman of the foreign operations subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee, and Nita Lowey, D-N.Y., the top Democrat on the Appropriations Committee.

A number of the task force members released the letter in a news conference in the Capitol on Thursday morning.

Deutch, who initiated the letter, said he appreciated Trump’s remarks in his speech Tuesday to a joint meeting of Congress addressing the recent spike in anti-Semitic threats, but said a coordinated effort would be better positioned to form a comprehensive response to the bomb threats, the acts of vandalism, any acts of violence and the online harassment, as well as whether there is an international element to the threat..

“There are so many images of preschool kids walking out of schools with their teachers, holding their hands,” he said, referring to evacuations of Jewish community centers that have massively disrupted Jewish communal life in recent weeks.

Yeah, and there are many images of Holocaust shoes.

That doesn’t mean the Holocaust actually happened.