Diabolical Kike Dan Senor Deletes Pussygate Tweets After Being Accused of Leaking Tape

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 12, 2016

So, yesterday, after this site and others reported on rumors that the GOP Jew Dan Senor had leaked the pussy tape, Senor only made one tweet, denying that he was part of a Jew conspiracy.

He goes so far as to claim it is “insane” to suggest he is part of a global Jewish conspiracy!

(Archive link, in case this one mysteriously disappears)

Is it also “insane” to point out his role in the Iraq war? His plot to nuke Iran? His plot to overthrow Assad?

Hopefully that’s not insane, because that is all confirmed.

But for a Jew, all reality is insane, the only thing that is real being their filthy Jew lies.

Twilight zone jewing intensifies

He also denied doing pussygate to a Jew NBC reporter.

Of course, he would deny it.

As much as they call us “deniers” for asking for evidence for their stupid fake shower bug-spray hoax, Jews seem to spend their entire lives denying things.

More interesting than the denial, however, is the fact that he deleted the two tweets wherein he gave advice to the liberal Jew media about how to harass Trump and his surrogates about the pussy tape.

daily-stormer_999298 daily-stormer_999299

(Archive 1, archive 2)

If he is guilty of noting, why would he delete these tweets?

Pretty suspicious, no?

Why make himself look guilty like this, if he is not guilty? Was there information in the responses which would have led to evidence of his involvement in this Jewish anti-Trump conspiracy?

I don’t know.

His shiksa wife, former TV anchor Campbell Brown, who had admitted to leaking the tape, last night posted a tweet saying she was just joking – but wished she had done it.

(Archive link)

Regrettably, there is at time of writing no more information on this situation. However, we need to keep the pressure on, and hope someone leaks a confirmation. He is currently the top suspect.

His shiksa wife worked at NBC at the time the tape was recorded. The show’s Jew producer, Robert K. Silverstein, is also a suspect.

Whoever did it, we know one thing about them: they are Jewish.