Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 21, 2015

Barack Obama has previously been characterized as one of the world’s biggest dick-lovers. A White House insider once described the first cotton-picking President as a man who “has never met a dick he didn’t like.”
As such, it truly speaks to his commitment to diversity that he recently hired a man who cut off his own dick on purpose.
President Barack Obama has appointed the first openly transgender White House staff member, according to an announcement Tuesday.
Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, a former policy adviser at the National Center for Transgender Equality, will serve as an outreach and recruitment director in the White House Office of Presidential Personnel.
Community leaders and advocates lauded the administration’s decision and called Freedman-Gurspan a role model, praising her work to empower members of the LGBT community.
“President Obama has long said he wants his administration to look like the American people. I have understood this to include transgender Americans,” NCTE Executive Director Mara Keisling said. “That the first transgender appointee is a transgender woman of color is itself significant. And that the first White House transgender appointee is of a friend is inspiring to me and to countless others who have been touched by Raffi’s advocacy.”
It is a truly beautiful thing when a man cuts off his own dick, and it is fantastically amazing that we are living in an age where we have progressed so far that men who cut off their own dicks are able to serve in the highest levels of government.
Even a couple of years ago, it would have been unheard of that a man who cut his own dick off would be in a high-level government position. Our society is really moving like a rocket into the future, where we will truly be an advanced society.
With men who cut their own dicks off on purpose now running the government, is only a matter of time before we are colonizing Mars.