The New Observer
April 14, 2014
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has not severed its links with the two Jewish Supremacist pressure groups, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), as recently reported by several right wing news blogs.

The original story which claimed that the FBI had “scrubbed” the SPLC and ADL as “resources” on its hate crime webpage was first carried by the Washington Examiner, and then repeated by various blogs around the internet.
According to the original Washington Examiner story, the “Southern Poverty Law Center, which has labeled several Washington DC-based family organizations as ‘hate groups’ for favoring traditional marriage, has been dumped as a ‘resource’ on the FBI’s Hate Crime Web page, a significant rejection of the influential legal group.”
Furthermore, the Washington Examiner said, the web page scrubbing also included “eliminating the Anti-Defamation League, was not announced and came in the last month after 15 family groups pressed Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director James Comey to stop endorsing a group—SPLC—that inspired a recent case of domestic terrorism at the Family Research Council.”
The report continued by quoting ADL national director Abraham H. Foxman as saying that he was “shocked, surprised and disappointed that this would be done without any consultation with groups such as ours who have been working closely with the Federal Bureau of Investigation on issues of hate crime.”
The Washington Examiner article was not, however, completely accurate.
While it is true that the FBI removed the links to the SPLC and the ADL from its “hate crimes” web page, it does confirm on another page on its site that it works with the SPLC and ADL:
“Public Outreach: The FBI has forged partnerships nationally and locally with many civil rights organizations to establish rapport, share information, address concerns, and cooperate in solving problems. These groups include such organizations as the NAACP, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League, the National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium, the National Organization for Women, the Human Rights Campaign, and the National Disability Rights Network,” the FBI site still proclaims.
The removal of the hyperlinks to the SPLC and ADL are thus only part of a revamp of the FBI website, which now only links to internal US government websites, and the move does not appear to be specifically directed at the two Jewish extremist groups in particular.
The attempts by the pro-family groups to get the SPLC dislodged from its privileged position with the FBI date from the August 2012 terrorist attack on a Christian pro-family organization, the Family Resource Center (FRC), by a deranged homosexual extremist, Floyd Lee Corkins II.
Corkins told the FBI that he had identified the FRC as a target for his terrorist act after finding the organization listed as a “hate group” by the Jewish extremist SPLC website. The SPLC (president: Richard Cohen) runs a “hate map” which routinely lists any group or organization which is not slavishly pro-homosexual, or which dares to promote normal male-female marriages, as “hate groups.”
The SPLC’s obsession with sexual degeneracy is clearly linked to their chief trial counsel, Morris Dees, whose messy divorce papers (see here for a copy) contained allegations by his ex-wife that he is an active sexual pervert, bi-sexual and a philanderer.
Below: Homosexual extremist terrorist Corkins tells FBI agents that he found his target’s address on the Jewish extremist SPLC website: