Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 14, 2015

French-Negro comedian Dieudonné has been arrested after making a joke on Facebook about sympathizing with the Black guy who attacked a kosher market in Paris, The Guardian reports. He is being charged with “being and apologist for terrorism.”
Prosecutors had opened the case against him on Monday after he wrote “Tonight, as far as I’m concerned, I feel like Charlie Coulibaly” – mixing the slogan “Je suis Charlie”, used in tribute to the journalists killed at magazine Charlie Hebdo, with a reference to gunman Amédy Coulibaly. Dieudonné was arrested on Wednesday.
Dieudonné posted his controversial Facebook post after attending Sunday’s unity march against extremism that brought more than 1.5 million people on to the streets of Paris in the wake of the attacks.
He described the march – considered the biggest rally in modern French history – as “a magical moment comparable to the big bang”.
I will just briefly reiterate what I wrote yesterday following the announcement that there would be an inquiry into Dieudonné’s statements: they are not concerned about violence-incitement, they are concerned about Jewish feelings, and these attacks on Dieudonné prove it.
Dieudonné is a secular comedian with no connection to Islam. His Black father was from Cameroon, a non-Moslem country, and left his White mother, who was a new age Buddhist, before he could talk. While he is arrested for making a joke about dead Jews, Moslems across Europe are saying that the Charlie Hebdo staff “had is coming,” and not being arrested.
The grounds on which speech is limited in Europe is the idea that it can “incite violence.” That is why Dieudonné was arrested Wednesday. On the same exact day, France is allowing the cartoons to be printed which have already resulted in a massacre. In Germany, a newspaper HQ was burned down for reprinting the cartoons. Multiple Moslem outlets issued threats that they would retaliate if Charlie Hebdo reprinted more cartoons. These cartoons are not only being allowed by the same state that arrested Dieudonné, they are being endorsed by it.
We should also consider that David Cameron recently endorsed the printing of these cartoons in Britain, where you go to prison for printing cartoons of Jews.
The entire purpose of limiting speech is to protect Jews from scrutiny, and this entire ongoing situation in France proves this beyond any shadow of a doubt.
54 Others Arrested for Wrongthink

Dozens of others were arrested for internet comments.
The Justice Ministry said 54 people – including four minors – have been detained for defending or verbally threatening terrorism since the Charlie Hebdo attack. Several have already been convicted under special measures for immediate sentencing.
The government is also working on new phone-tapping and other intelligence efforts against terrorism that it wants nailed down by next week, government spokesman Stephane Le Foll said Wednesday.
The government is also launching a deeper project to rethink education, urban policies and its integration model, in an apparent recognition that the attacks exposed deeper problems of inequality both in France and especially at its neglected, often violence-ridden suburban housing projects.
As yes. It must be injustice done to the Moslems which caused this. What other possibility is there?
It will be interesting to see if they sentence Dieudonné under this insane immediate sentencing legislation or give him a trial.
France looks to be over-stretching itself.
al-Queda Claims They did Charlie
This comes after ISIS also took credit for the attacks. Though it wasn’t clear if they were claiming credit for all of the attacks or just the kosher market.
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed responsibility Wednesday for last week’s deadly rampage at France’s Charlie Hebdo satirical newspaper — and said the attack was years in the making.
AQAP commander Nasr Ibn Ali al-Ansi made the claim in a video, with pictures of the two gunmen — Said and Cherif Kouachi — in the background.
“When the heroes were assigned, they accepted. They promised and fulfilled,” al-Ansi said.
He praised that attack, saying it was revenge for Charlie Hebdo’s depictions of the Prophet Mohammed.
And according to the video, the late Anwar al-Awlaki masterminded the attack before his death in 2011. If true, that means the planning for the massacre started at least three years ago.
The AQAP leader did not claim responsibility for Friday’s siege at a kosher grocery store in Paris, which left four hostages dead.
But “it was a blessing from Allah” that the two attacks took place about the same time, al-Ansi said.
Al-Ansi blamed not only Charlie Hebdo, but also France and the United States in his statement.
“It is France that has shared all of America’s crimes,” al-Ansi added. “It is France that has committed crimes in Mali and the Islamic Maghreb. It is France that supports the annihilation of Muslims in Central Africa in the name of race cleansing.”
It seems to me all Moslem groups want credit for this sort of thing, and there is no one to stop them from taking it.
Top EU Anti-Terror Official Says There is No Way to Stop Further Attacks

Echoing statements made by other top officials across Europe, a top EU official has said “sorry guys, you’re just going to have to be murdered.”
European Union counter-terrorism chief Gilles de Kerchove told AFP Tuesday that there was no absolute way to prevent new terror attacks like those in Paris.
“We can’t prevent [such attacks] 100 percent,” Kerchove said in an interview.
He said the answer was not to jail jihadis returning to Europe from Syria and Iraq, as prisons had become “massive incubators” of radicalization.
Still no discussion of the obvious way to prevent these attacks, which would be to ban Moslems from Europe – and all other White countries – completely.
It almost seems as though these people are baiting the public into asking why it is that we cannot simply ban Islam, but I suppose they are just so confident that the multicult paradigm is completely solidified that they don’t have anything to worry about.
On top of “I expect you to die,” they are also demanding further rights to invade our basic privacy in order to ensure we are not Moslem terrorists.
On Sunday, European Union leaders issued a joint statement condemning the attack. Buried in that same declaration, which called the shooting a terrorist act against freedom of expression, is a recommendation that could have dire consequences for online speech.
“We are concerned at the increasingly frequent use of the Internet to fuel hatred and violence and signal our determination to ensure that the Internet is not abused to this end,” the statement read.
Their solution? Censor any content that could incite and get the Internet service providers to help out.
“[The] partnership of the major Internet providers is essential to create conditions of a swift reporting of material that aims to incite hatred and terror and the condition of its removing, where appropriate/possible.”
On Friday, Prime Minister Manuel Valls said that “it may be necessary to take further measures” to combat terrorism in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo shooting, adding that any potential legislation not be “built in haste.”
That call for a thoughtful approach does not seem to apply for the reinterpretation of current laws. As advocacy groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation and La Quadrature du Net have pointed out, the French government notified the European Union that it will block access to sites that promote terrorism under its LOPPSI 2 law. LOPPSI grants French officials the authority to block any sites with pornographic or violent content that could be seen by a minor. A provision of LOPPSI also grants police permission to monitor a suspected criminal’s online activity so long as they get approval from a judge.
If re-elected this year, Cameron has promised to introduce a “comprehensive piece of legislation” that would eliminate any place online where terrorists might be able to communicate without government knowledge. There should be “no means of communication” which “we cannot read,” he said, according to the BBC. “That is applied whether you are sending a letter, whether you are making a phone call, whether you are using a mobile phone, or whether you are using the Internet.”
Cameron also acknowledged that such a law could be “very intrusive,” but that he believes it is compatible with a “modern liberal democracy.”
“To me, Congress having oversight certainly is important, but what is more important relative to these types of events is ensuring we don’t overly hamstring the NSA’s ability to collect this kind of information in advance and keep these kinds of activities from occurring,” Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, told the National Journal.
“I fear our intelligence capabilities, those designed to prevent such an attack from taking place on our shores, are quickly eroding,” added Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. “I believe our national security infrastructure designed to prevent these types of attacks from occurring is under siege.”
Gee, vibrant diversity sure is a heavy burden, isn’t it? First they invade your country and you are required to pay for everything for them. Then they break down your sense of community, being a hostile foreign entity. Then they start killing you. Then you must give up what used to be considered inalienable human rights in order to stop them from killing more of you.
I mean, I like ethnic food as much as the next guy, but you sometimes you gotta ask yourself: is it really worth it?
I leave you with a final public service announcement, goyim: