Digital Reverse Pogrom: White People Targeted for De-Verification on Twitter!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 17, 2017

Jack “Bong Hits for Allah” Dorsey, SJW CEO of Twitter

In 2017, the Jewish ethnic activist group the Anti-Defamation League gets everything they want from tech companies, as the hate for their sickening race continues to rise. In fact, this shutting down of any and all speech that they don’t approve of is causing hatred for them to skyrocket off the charts.

Though Jack Dorsey is a faggot and presumably a homo, he isn’t Jewish (unlike the CEOs of Facebook and Google), so he has taken the longest to respond to the Jewish demand to silence anyone who dares question the agenda of the Jews.

Even as he bans white people from using his service, he is hesitating, and using a weird punitive measure on them before outright banning them. He is removing their verification checkmarks.

Twitter verification is intended to “verify” a person. Twitter has said point-blank, repeatedly, that the blue check is simply meant to confirm they’ve confirmed a person’s identity, in order to avoid impersonator or parody accounts being taken seriously. Meaning, to say “we are unverifying you” is to say “we are now not certain we actually know who you are.”

Fox News:

Twitter on Wednesday removed the “verification” checkmarks from the accounts of a number of white nationalists and far-right activists — in a move that critics say could have a chilling effect on free speech.

The move came one week after the company drew criticism for verifying the account of Jason Kessler, the open white nationalist who organized the infamous Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., in August.

In recent weeks Twitter has cracked down on the accounts of multiple controversial personalities and issued new guidelines regarding its account verification and de-verification.

Among the de-verified is Kessler, who responded by helping to spark the controversy surrounding Twitter’s action. But many had objected to his verification because he had described Heather Heyer, the woman who was killed at the August rally, as a “fat, disgusting Communist,” whose death was “payback time,” the Washington Post reported.

Yeah, he posted my infamous article in that tweet lol.

The one that got me banned from the intertubes.

But it was never actually never proven he did it.

He could have been hacked.

Alternately, leaked DMs showed that he was taking Ambien at the time, and anyone who knows anything about that drug knows that no one can be responsible for anything they do after they swallow that pill.

Whatever the case, he was remorseful. Isn’t that the measure by which we decide if a person has to suffer from their wrongspeak? Remorsefulness?

Also losing verification were white nationalist Richard Spencer and far-right figures Laura Loomer and James Allsup. Tim Gionet, a prominent alt-right activist better known as “Baked Alaska,” was suspended from Twitter.

None of those people even did anything. Except Laura Loomer, a Jewess who has been accused of rape and stalking as of recently.

The other three simply stand accused of being white people.

According to Twitter’s new guidelines, the platform “reserves the right to remove verification at any time without notice” if the accounts are found to have violated rules of behavior such as engaging in promotion of hate speech, inciting the harassment of others, or threatening people with violence on the basis of race, gender, religious affiliation or other factors.

See, this is dumb. They’re just going to get condemned for this.

If the speech is against their moral standards, then why don’t they just outright ban these people?

What is the point of pretending that they’re no longer sure who they are?

Clearly, the ADL won’t be happy with this – they want these people silenced, not told Twitter is having a difficult time figuring out if their accounts are real or not.

Of course, we know that this unverifying is a pre-banning step. This is what they did to MILO before they banned him. I think it was about a week before. I don’t know the reasoning, but that is the process.

Thankfully, unlike MILO, the people in the Alt-Right on Twitter have platforms beyond Twitter. And I think it is going to be a while before others start suffering the fate of the Daily Stormer and having their websites stolen by the registrar. Things always happen to me first. For comparison, I was banned from Twitter in 2014. And with the domain seizure – normal people are angry about this, and calling for these companies to be regulated. Few are doing that with Twitter, as it is not an infrastructure company.

Next Phase

A lot of people who I consider to be snakeoil salespersons and shills, such as Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec, do rely entirely on Twitter for their entire operation. MILO was effectively destroyed professionally after his Twitter ban. When he got hit with the pederast charges, he was already halfway out the door.

They’re going to get banned next. The de-verification of Laura Loomer shows this. They’re not a threat to the system and the ADL knows they’re not a threat to the system, but liberals have gone insane demanding that Donald Trump be banned. So the SJW mob is going to demand, after the Alt-Right is gone, that the rest of the Nazis go with them. It’s a “first they came for…” situation, but these people are not smart enough to stand in solidarity with people further to the right than them in order to protect themselves.

Soon enough, Twitter will be a full-hugbox. And that will collapse the platform. People already use Facebook for all of their personal social media needs – liberals, like right-wingers, go on Twitter to argue with people. And when there are no more right-wingers, they will have no one to argue with and they will abandon the platform.