Dindu Nuffin did Something for No Apparent Reason

William Martel
Daily Stormer
July 21, 2015


The evidence of White privilege is overwhelming. Just a few weeks ago in Charlotte, NC, a Dindu shot a White female hotel clerk for no apparent reason. Police are calling it a random act of violence, when it clearly is a hate crime.

The story goes that the Dindu walks into the hotel lobby, pulls out a gun, shoots the White girl and runs out. He didn’t even steal anything. So what was the point?

Police say that it could be a gang initiation due to the fact that the Dindu was wearing red, along with matching camo pants and a hat, which indicates he may be trying to prove himself to get into the Dindu Nuffin Association.

But still, how is it not hate crime? It certainly wasn’t a “love crime.” If this was a gang initiation there is no doubt that it was all about getting Whitey. We all know that if this was a White man shooting a Black female clerk, Dindus from around the world would come from all over, cry “muh justice” and burn Charlotte, NC to the ground.

Luckily for the victim, she was shot in the shoulder and did not suffer from any fatal injuries.

But that’s not all, this same Dindu was seen actually robbing another hotel just 40 minutes earlier. He pulled his gun, robbed the clerk and then said “have a safe one.” I wonder why he didn’t arbitrarily shoot at this person?

Blacks are getting more arrogant because of fact that their Jews masters pushing their anti-White pro-Black agenda on full blast, so I’d expect more of these random hate crimes to occur. The mating season of most animals take place during the summer months, which is similar to the Dindu’s violent season – violence happens to skyrocket around this time of year.

As an ancient Dindu poet once wrote: “summer time is the killing season – it’s hot out this bitch, and that’s a good enough reason.”