Dindu Robs a Liquor Store at Gunpoint

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
March 31, 2018

He be a gud boy an dindu nuffin!

Herald Bulletin:

Police are searching for a man who robbed the Save-On Liquor store at 1419 Broadway on Friday morning.

Anderson Police Detective Jake Brooks said the man entered the store about 9:10 a.m. He was wearing a white mask, similar to a surgical mask, to conceal his face. He indicated that he was armed with handgun and demanded cash.

After the suspect received an undetermined amount of cash, he fled eastbound on foot, said police spokesperson Maj. Joel Sandefur.

Sandefur described the assailant as a thin, black male in his 20s, standing roughly 5 feet 6 inches tall. The suspect was wearing a cobalt blue-hooded sweatshirt, green or gray sweatpants and black shoes.