Dindu Shoots White Father of Three

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 28, 2017

Sheeit man he dindu nuffin’! He wus jus’ scurred!


Police released surveillance footage Thursday of a suspect who they said shot and killed a business manager during an attempted robbery late Tuesday night in east Charlotte.

Detectives said a man was trying to rob the business when he confronted Preston Scott Coffey, 44, in his office and shot him.

“It doesn’t appear that they knew each other,” CMPD Capt. Chris Dozier said. “It just looks like a robbery gone bad.”

A woman who witnessed the shooting called 911, and police said the suspect ran off before they arrived.

Coffey’s ex-wife said they communicated with each other daily about their three children.

She sympathizes with the man caught on camera.

“I feel for the guy who shot him,” she said. “The way he has to feel now.”

She said he appeared to be worried and running scared.

They have three children: a 15-year-old boy and 10-year-old twins.

She said her ex-husband was a wonderful father who cared very much for his children, and wants the shooter to turn himself in, mostly for her children.

Investigators said the business park has surveillance cameras, and detectives looked through the footage to see if the killer was caught on video.

The suspect is described as a black male in his mid-20s, 5 feet 8 inches tall, with a medium build.

U gotz ta feelz bad fo our nigga, how iz he eva gunna live wit dis?