Dindus Stab 82-Year-Old White Woman to Death Because They Couldn’t Get a Job

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 30, 2017

Roy Narcisee, Kiana Williams.

They dindu nuffin’! Dey wuz just lookin fo a job an cuddn get one!


Police are on the hunt for two suspected killers in the stabbing death of Kathleen Cates.

Police are looking for Roy Narcisse and Kiana Williams, both 25, accusing them of murdering Cates. Both suspects have known addresses and associates in Central and South Louisiana.

Shreveport Police Corporal Marcus Hines said Cates’ body was found around 8:00 p.m. Tuesday. He said she was stabbed several times all over her body with a sharp object.

One next door neighbor, Amy Stelly, said Narcisse and Williams actually came to her door Tuesday morning wanting to mow her yard. Stelly said she told Williams they could come back after 5:00 p.m., but they never showed up.

“Everybody is saying it is probably the people that mow our yard because they’ve mowed ours and they’ve mowed hers too. They come over quite frequently because they need money so they’ll ask if they can mow the yard probably once or twice a week,” said Stelly. Stelly said there have been times where she and her roommates have had to tell the pair they were coming over too much.

Kathleen Cates.