Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 14, 2015
Proving beyond any remaining shadows of doubt as to the levels Negroes will sink to in order to mock the White race, a dirty hybrid-Negress went on the View to mock Whites for bathing on a daily basis.
Maya Rivera, who is 28, looks 38 and plays a 16-year-old on the television show Glee, told the fat dyke Rosie O’Donnell, some gay guy and a couple other dumb bitches that she believes bathing daily is “such a White people thing” and said she personally only bathes once ever three days. When pressured, she claimed to wash her vagina every day, though she was clearly lying through her bucked teeth.
Rivera showed disgust at her White husband for his bathing habits, which she finds distasteful and foreign.

Please note that Rivera is not some hood-rat who hit it big in the rap game after she worked her way up selling crack to kids. She was born into the acting profession to parents were very well off So-Cal showbiz types.
Blacks are just naturally dirty because they are from an environment where it was possible to stay relatively disease free without bathing regularly. Also, the open air their are used to in Africa made their stench less noticeable. Now these people are in an urban environment, in air-conditioned rooms and trains, and they wonder why no one wants to stand next to them.