Dirty Jew Bastard Caught MASTURBATING Under Desk While Teaching Middle Schoolers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 10, 2019

I see this headline:

And I’m like “I’ll bet my fancy new hat that’s a Jew…”

I click it, see A. Wyatt Man caricature named “Abraham.”


Because as you know – “every single time” and “because of course.”

Cincinnati Enquirer:

A substitute teacher in Ohio was arrested Tuesday after police say he was seen “masturbating in a classroom while students were present.”

Fairfield police received a complaint Tuesday at about 10:30 a.m. about the alleged incident involving 41-year-old Tracey Abraham.

According to a statement from Fairfield schools, students at Creekside Middle School reported “suspicious behavior by the substitute that was taking place behind” the teacher’s desk.

Once administrators at the middle school were alerted to the alleged behavior, the school’s resource officer immediately removed Abraham from the classroom and the building.

Abraham “will not be returning to our schools,” the statement says.

Fairfield police have charged Abraham, who court records say lives in West Chester, with public indecency.

Abraham’s father, Rick, told The Enquirer on Tuesday that his son has “never had an issue like this in his life.”

“I don’t think what they saw is what really was happening,” he said.

School district officials say they are not aware of Abraham having physical contact with any students.

“In addition, we are not aware of any students being exposed to any nudity,” the statement says.

Maybe he can get off (no pun intended) by using Jewish psychological studies that encourage people to masturbate at work. Because yes, of course that is a real thing.

People will say “oh, you know, not all Jews are involved in globalist banking conspiracies or engineering your society for deviant social purposes…”

And that is true.

Obviously, that is true.

But you would have a hard time finding any singular Jew that is not doing something harmful to society on some level. And you would have an even harder time finding a Jew who is doing something helpful.

You might find one, maybe two.

But however many Jews you find who are doing something good could never make up for the vast numbers who are doing something harmful.

And look – I believe in justice.

I’m not even going to say that every single Jew needs to be forced to carry boulders up the STAIRS OF DEATH until all his bones are broken, or be masturbated to death with a deadly masturbation machine, simply for reasons of his race.

The only thing I’m saying is that due to evidence of “general Jewish criminality and deviant behavior,” they all need to be investigated based on the fact that they are Jewish.

That is to say: being Jewish provides “reasonable suspicion of having committed a crime,” and probably “probable cause,” but it is not proof of having committed a crime, necessarily.

There is no one anywhere who can look at the Jews and claim that this is not the most reasonable thing they have ever heard.

I am not unreasonable, and I would never use a homicidal masturbation machine to masturbate someone to death if they hadn’t done anything wrong.

But I’ll tell you something else: when I start masturbating Jews to death, there won’t be any wolves coming to their rescue.

I guarantee that.