Dirty Vox Kike Ezra Klein Says Democracy has Failed Because People Didn’t do the will of Jews

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 8, 2016


The evil Jew Ezra Klein, editor of Vox, published an article yesterday entitled “Donald Trump’s success reveals a frightening weakness in American democracy,” with the subheading, “Trump found a flaw in our political system, and we have no way to fix it.”

You can go read it if you want. It might be interesting to you if you’re like, in the process of studying the methods Jews use to manipulate goyim’s minds by exploiting emotional vulnerabilities.

But I can sum it up for you: “democracy is a problem because the goyim are bad and voting for things that Jews don’t like.”

Basically, it is an admission that a society where the will of the people is done is non-viable for Jews.

This isn’t dissimilar to the Brexit situation, where Jewish judges have declared that it may not even be valid. Because something something something democracy.

The Jews shoved this retarded system of democracy on us because they could use it to do their will. Now that they see that it is possible for us to use their own rules to do our will, they are saying that the rules must be changed, because the system is broken.

There is an eternal, ancient proverb which rings true.

with jews you lose

But today, we have a chance to beat them. At their own game.

Make sure everyone you know votes for Trump. If they need rides, give them rides. Take the day off.

We will be broadcasting live with election night coverage.