Dis Nigga Dun Shoot Dat Nigga at da Mall

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 4, 2018

Demarco Churchwell (left) was killed in the shooting, the suspect is Justin Golson (right)

“Negro fatigue” is a good term.

Because the shit these monkeys do is simply tiring.

Obviously, you’re not going to find any kike sociology professor who is going to tell you that drug-related mall shootings are something that white people engage in really at all. What they will instead tell you is that black people do this sort of thing because of… the legacy of slavery, which includes ongoing invisible racism against them… and blah blah blah, whatever.

But even if you believed all of that – is it not still tiring to live among a population of people who behave in this manner?

Fox News:

Police said a 22-year-old person wounded in a shooting at a mall in Nashville, Tennessee has died.

Authorities previously said that one person was in critical condition and a suspect was in custody following reports of a shooting at the Opry Mills Mall.

Metro Nashville Police said the incident seemed to arise from “an ongoing dispute between 2 males,” one of whom “was critically wounded.” A suspect left the building after the encounter “and immediately surrendered,” police said.

Authorities said Demarco Churchwell, 22, was fatally wounded in the shooting. Justin Golson, 22, was identified as the suspect.

Police spokesman Don Aaron told reporters that the suspect surrendered a gun at a ticket booth outside the mall following the incident.

The other interesting aspect of the whole “black people act like this because” Jewish narrative is this: if they’re not responsible for their own behavior collectively, then why are they individually responsible?

It doesn’t make any sense. 

Like, if this black guy shot this other black guy at the mall in some drug gang incident EXCLUSIVELY BECAUSE of slavery and ongoing microaggressions or whatever, then why is he being punished? If blacks are not collectively responsible for their collective behavior, then individual blacks cannot possibly be individually responsible for their individual behavior.

Which means that this guy should just be let go, because he didn’t have the ability to not do this, because of slavery, etc.

But we do hold individual blacks responsible for individual black behaviors (less so than for whites, but like, this guy is going to go to prison for murdering this guy). So it goes to follow that we should also be able to hold blacks collectively responsible for their collective behavior – regardless if there is some convoluted “yo Occam, fuck your razor” nonsense sociological Jewish explanation for why they behave this way.

And that, my dear reader, is what Jim Crow was – a system of holding blacks collectively responsible for their collective behavior.

It was not an argument that every single black person in America was a dangerous violent criminal, it was simply a recognition of the fact that these people in general have a pattern of extremely anti-social, dangerous behavior.


Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. Enacted by white Democratic-dominated state legislatures in the late 19th century after the Reconstruction period, these laws continued to be enforced until 1965. They mandated racial segregation in all public facilities in the states of the former Confederate States of America, starting in the 1870s and 1880s, and upheld by the United States Supreme Court’s “separate but equal” doctrine for African Americans. Public education had essentially been segregated since its establishment in most of the South after the Civil War. This principle was extended to public facilities and transportation, including segregated cars on interstate trains and, later, buses. Facilities for African Americans were consistently inferior and underfunded compared to those which were then available to white Americans; sometimes they did not exist at all. This body of law institutionalized a number of economic, educational, and social disadvantages. Segregation by law existed mainly in the Southern states, while Northern segregation was generally a matter of fact—patterns of housing segregation enforced by private covenants, bank lending practices, and job discrimination, including discriminatory labor union practices. “Jim Crow” was a pejorative expression referring to a minstrel song called “Jump Jim Crow” by a performer appearing in blackface.

The reason these laws existed was that the behavior of black people tends to be much worse than the behavior of white people, and thus it was considered logical that white people had a natural right to avoid the behavior of black people by avoiding their presence.

There is no way to frame this as anything other than “yeah, okay – makes perfect sense” without Jewish psychobabble.

Furthermore, that Jewish psychobabble has to be indoctrinated into the minds of the youth, or else it is just going to come across as what it is: gibberish on steroids.

Hence, Jewish control of the media and education system.

Here’s the Kicker

Black people at the time were not bothered by this.

There was no large uprising against the practices of Jim Crow – not until the Jews got involved. And even then, the overwhelming majority of blacks were like, “yeah, I mean, whatever.”

Because you can explain to a black person (who hasn’t been agitated by Jews): “look, you guys – I know you’re not all bad, but you have a much higher rate of bad behavior, so until you get that sorted out, we’re gonna keep you in separate schools and housing facilities. If/when you get your shit together, we’ll revisit the issue.”

And that’s the thing – under Jim Crow their behavior actually WAS getting progressively better.

Obviously, full integration never would have been possible to do successfully (at least not for thousands of years), but the plan at the time – right or wrong – was to slowly introduce more privileges to them as their behavior improved.

In other words, every single aspect of the Jewish narrative regarding black oppression is a lie.