Daily Slave
November 8, 2014

A throng of violent vibrants in Ferguson decided to gang-up and beat a White College student for filming them.
What is so ridiculous about this situation is that the White man, Chris Schaefer, is actually a supporter of all the Black mobs and social justice garbage. This did not matter to the subhumans as they attacked him any way. Hopefully this young White man has learned a valuable lesson. He has to understand that most of these Blacks behave more like animals than they do decent human beings. Hopefully this incident will cause him to come to reevaluate his politics.

It seems to me that we need to increase funding for the animal control units in the Ferguson, Missouri area. This situation once again proves that these violent apes are out of control. They should be locked up in zoo cages and then transported back to their natural habitats in Africa.
Below is video of the college student describing the incident and his injuries he sustained from this vile mob of apes.