Disgusting Crippled Monkeyboy Attacks The Leader in Gay Ad

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 26, 2016

The latest anti-Trump ad, put out by the pro-Hillary Super PAC Priorities USA focuses on – wait for it – childlike emotionality.

Possessing a childlike emotional state is of course the only reason any White person would ever vote for Hillary.

The ad features a disgusting crippled monkeyboy named “Dante Latchman,” who tells his gut-wrenching tale of sorrow. The thirty second ad is supposed to make you associate Donald Trump with the suffering of helpless, pathetic people, but in actual fact leaves you angry that a political campaign would sink so low as to use a cancer patient to try and manipulate your emotions.

You are also left wishing that “Dante” would have died of cancer.


If you feel sympathy for this being, I’ve got a mail-order bride I wanna sell ya.

In fact, my own personal faith in God was shaken, as I asked myself: “what kind of God would allow this disgusting creature to survive cancer?”

But then I flipped to another tab with a Donald Trump video, and was once again secure in my belief in God.

The ad ends with Dante limping along with his mudshark mama.


Yo Dante, where’s your dad, bro???? roflmao

The screen then flashes “Stop Hate” which becomes “Stop Trump.”

“Stop Hate” is the name of the Priorities USA campaign against Trump.

They have a Twitter account for the campaign.


The Super PAC was started by Bill Burton, a mulatto political consultant who worked to elect Barack Obama, and went on to work in the Obama administration.

Bill Burton looks like the larger version of Dante the cripple.

Bill Burton looks like the larger version of Dante the cripple.


The Super PAC is presently run by long-time politico Harold M. Ickes – a man whose father attempted to turn Alaska into a Jewish colony during WWII.

The group is backed by top Jews such as Jeffery Katzenberg, Bill Maher and Irwin M. Jacobs.