Disgusting FEMEN Skanks Occupy Voting Station in Le Pen Stronghold

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
May 7, 2017

This video proves conclusively what a hoax feminism is. Here you have a group of disgusting feminist skanks from FEMEN doing a topless protest of Marine Le Pen. The worst part is that they all seemed to have some fairly raunchy looking tits!

This incident took place at a voting station in one of the areas where she is expected to do well.

If feminism were really about empowering women, why would they not want a female leader of France? It shows that their political ideology is inconsistent and devoid of logic.

They are likely upset that Le Pen’s policies would deprive them of their deepest sexual desires. The deepest of which involves them getting gang raped by large groups of Moslem men. What other explanation is there for this deranged behavior?

This is clearly a cry for help from these women. I believe that White Sharia might help them make sense of things!