Disgusting Mixed-Race Couple Spat in Schoolboy Ref’s Face and Grabbed His Throat During Junior Soccer Game

Daily Mail
May 6, 2014

Oksana Karaliova spat in the young lads face twice and has now been found guilty of assault.

A mother who spat into the face of a teenage referee at her son’s junior football game has been convicted of assault.

Oksana Karaliova, 34, was sent off from the sidelines then spat twice in the young official’s face after the under-9s match.

Her husband Lazaro Garcia, 44, who also got a red card as he watched the game in Salford, Greater Manchester, grabbed him by the throat after the final whistle.

The couple, from Salford, were both angered by decisions made by the 16-year-old during the game – and subjected him to a tirade of expletive-laden abuse. They denied common assault but were found guilty after a day-long trial at Manchester magistrates court.

The shocking incident took place in November, during and after a junior league game between Barr Hill under-9s and Moorside Rangers under-9s at Barr Hill Playing Fields in Salford.

The court heard that the ugly scenes were witnessed by eight-year-olds and reported to police, who launched an immediate investigation backed by the Football Association.

Lazara Garcia grabbed the boy by the throat as they both swore at him.

Giving evidence the young ref, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told the court he had been qualified for three years and that parents and the two clubs were fully aware of the FA’s Respect code of conduct and campaign.

He said trouble flared after a tackle he left unpunished because he believed the young player had slipped. Karaliova, a mature student at Salford University, began to hurl obscenities at him.

The teenager said: ‘I walked up to the lady and said “what did you say?”.

‘She said ‘are you f****** serious? You are a f****** ******* and you do not know what you are doing.’

He told the court that he sent her off but she refused to go then lit a cigarette.

Karaliova, the ref went on, told him that she would be waiting for him at the end of the match and demanded that he gave her his contact details and his address.

The teenager has now quit full-time refereeing because of the incident.

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