Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 5, 2015

A million years of social justice and Boasian university brainwashing cannot change the biological reality of what Black people are. Even if every single human being on earth were brainwashed into doubting their lying eyes in order to conform to Jew-invented social norms, the objective reality that Black people are stinking, ugly, aggressive monkey-people would no one enjoys being around in large numbers would remain.
But far from moving toward believing the social justice line, the emerging Black revolutionary movement is pushing normal people toward believing their own lying eyes: Blacks are nigh completely intolerable and have literally no redeeming qualities (note: an individual Black might have redeeming qualities, Blacks as a racial group do not).
Recently, large groups of Whites got a serious wake up call with regards to the fabled “equality of man” when Blacks aggressively invaded their meals and shopping experiences on both coasts demanding… well, no one actually knows what Blacks are demanding. They want to be able to attack cops and not get arrested for committing crimes, and… yeah, no, honestly, no one seems to know what else they want. It is worse than Occupy Wall Street. Because, you know, they’re Black.
In a meme that seriously could just as easily have come from /pol/ ala “#EndFathersDay, they have launched a war on brunch to end White supremacy.
An ugly Paki bitch who calls herself Sharmin Ultra (here’s her Twitter) is a major leader in this “Black Brunch” movement, apparently. Remember a Sandmonkey ran a large part of the Ferguson protests. Blacks literally cannot run their own riots and will just go home and watch TV after like three hours if there isn’t some mixed race person there pushing them to keep going by reminding them of the feelings.

And on a very real level, this sort of nullifies the whole thing, as Blacks are claiming they deserve things because of slavery (which at least is logical on some level, even if we have already paid them back a hundred fold) – what the hell does this Paki bitch want, and what do we supposedly owe her? Pakis were never slaves in any country, and the English were so kind and to bring civilization to those savages – something they were never thanked for.
Even if the White people who witnessed this brunch invasion try their best to push this out of their minds forever, saying “oh no, no, they have legitimate gripes, they are so oppressed, Professor Goldbergstein told me so,” this event will be lodged in their subconscious minds for the rest of their lives, with the event being recalled whenever they are exposed to Black people and the subconscious mind saying “bro, listen to me bro, these people are your enemy, they came at you before, they want to hurt you bro, you’d better either run or fight these people they want to hurt you they came at you.”
Because that is the way the subconscious mind works. When information is put into it through sensory processes, it logs the information, catalogs it, then stimulates emotional responses through the release of chemicals based on the databases it stores of previous experiences. As human beings stress levels become more and more extreme, they begin to rely less on their conscious mind and more on the emotional triggers of their subconscious minds. And this whole Black revolution thing is really stressing people the hell out.
Our Job to Make This Worse
This is why I support the Black revolution, and continue to encourage people to go on Twitter and elsewhere and manipulate Blacks into engaging in weirder and more aggressive/annoying behavior. It is fantastic for us that they are doing this, and we must continue to push them. You people need to get out there on Twitter and other places where there are Blacks on the internet and become their leaders. These people are so completely stupid, it is easy.
Most Whites – even nationalists – don’t truly understand how completely stupid Blacks actually are. It is noting to confuse and influence them if you speak their language. Theoretically, you could be arranging entire protests without ever having to leave the comfort of your den as you sit by the fire smoking a pipe and inciting Negroes on the tubes.
Soon, when normal Whites hear us say “why don’t they just go back to Africa if they want to be free of White oppression – we will pay them to go!” they are going to be like “yeah… you know… I really am having a hard time finding the flaw in that idea. Who exactly doesn’t win in that situation?”