Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
March 6, 2015

“Love Has No Labels”—a new viral video that peddles race-mixing, faggotry, and other assorted degenerate forms of “love”—has surged in popularity over the past couple of days.
… The heartwarming clip shows skeletons dancing, hugging and kissing each other on a giant screen in front of a crowd gathering to watch.
Then same-sex and interracial couples, or friends with different religions and disabilities, reveal themselves from behind the giant X-ray screen as Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ “Same Love” plays in the background. Many applaud and cheer, while others appear to react with surprise and confusion.
“Love has no gender,” a message displayed says. “Love has no age. Love has no religion. Love has no race. Love has no disability.”
If you can stomach the 3:20 length of this wicked video, watch it below:
The wretched YouTube description:
While the vast majority of Americans consider themselves unprejudiced, many of us unintentionally make snap judgments about people based on what we see—whether it’s race, age, gender, religion, sexuality, or disability. This may be a significant reason many people in the U.S. report they feel discriminated against. Subconscious prejudice—called “implicit bias”—has profound implications for how we view and interact with others who are different from us. It can hinder a person’s ability to find a job, secure a loan, rent an apartment, or get a fair trial, perpetuating disparities in American society. The Love Has No Labels campaign challenges us to open our eyes to our bias and prejudice and work to stop it in ourselves, our friends, our families, and our colleagues. Rethink your bias at lovehasnolabels.com.
I will most definitely not rethink my bias, thank you very much. If I rethought my bias, I’d have to embrace the idea that the further erosion of my faith, race, and nation is beneficial. No chance in hell that’s happening.
Don’t rethink your bias, either, dear reader. This sick propaganda ought to strengthen your commitment to the Cause. No longer is it acceptable to sit back and permit the Jewish hydra and its anti-White agenda to steamroll us. Channel your anger in a productive manner. It’s now or never, do or die.
“All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke
Hail Victory.