Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 5, 2015
Mexicans have released an anti-Trump PSA featuring some of the most disgusting brats I have seen yet using profanity against Donald Trump.
Full transcript:
¡Hola, Donald Trump! Screaming, “get out of my country!”, Republicans use offensive words. So here’s a few of our own: Fuck you, racist fuck!
We’re Latino kids born in the USA! And we’ve got something to say.
I’m Rosa. I’m Ricardo. My friends call me Rick. But you keep calling me “anchor baby”? Wow. Racist dick!
When you say Mexican immigrants are rapists, murderers, and drug dealers, you know it’s racist code for words like “spics,” “wetbacks” and “beaners.” And you have attacked people for speaking “Mexican” in this nation. It’s Spanish, idiota!
Maybe a little less hairspray and more education? Millions of working Latinos would be deported if you get your loco way, pendejo. If you’re in the White House, for America, there would be nothing but bad hair days.
Yo, Trump! You may be high in the polls, thanks to pinches racist suckers, but your whole thing has to come from me.
If you try to deport my abuelita, motherfuckers! You see, the Constitution makes me a citizen. And you hate that because I’m brown! And you say you’re a patriot? But you want to tear the Bill of Rights? How?
I’m an American, born in the USA. This is my home. You can’t take my rights away. If you don’t like our Constitution and what it stands for, get the fuck out of my country.
There’s the door!
I understand that it is difficult to get attention to any form of anti-Trumpism, as Trump is the Led Zeppelin of Presidential candidates. So it makes sense to have children saying “fuck you you motherfucker,” because the media covers that.
Feminists did this last year to draw attention to their own boring cause.
The question here is, why did the producers of this anti-Trump PSA – “Deport Racism” – use such disgusting children?
Look, yes, I am a racist, but I have never been one to say “all non-White children are disgusting.” I recognize that kids are generally not offensive looking, regardless of race (there are a couple normal ones in the video). These ones though – this is some whole other thing. I didn’t even know there were children that look like this – and I wish I hadn’t found out.
These children look like they crawled up out of some pit. The main one with the braces especially – this is like the Mexican Fredie Kruger had sex with the crippled woman in the attic in Pet Cemetery.
Combine that with their foul mouths and aggressive demeanor are they are threatening to any normal person. I would think even most liberals would see this and be like “eh, maybe we should reflect a bit here… we may indeed need to take revenge on these people.”
Someone didn’t think this through, or didn’t understand what was happening. This is the worst propaganda I’ve ever seen, simply going to prove The Donald’s point that these people are a fundamentally hostile alien population.
Seriously, they would have done better to have MS-13 gang members talking against Trump. That would have at least been less creepy-crawly.

As a commenter noted, the video presently as 818 ‘likes’ and 10,243 ‘dislikes.’
Apparently, a lot of normal people were just as offended by this as hardcore racists.