John Mitre
Daily Stormer
January 7, 2015

Is Hitler a victim of post-war propaganda; why has the term ‘Nazi’ become a term of abuse and was Hitler really a racist?
Myth #1 – Propaganda in the west
Hitler was not averse to treading on people’s toes and the biggest toes he trod on are those of the Jews. Like others before him, he stemmed the tide of European Jewry, but failed to conquer worldwide Zionism, especially in the U.S. The legacy he left behind him and especially his final testament still echo’s today. ‘‘Centuries will pass away, but out of the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred against those finally responsible whom we have to thank for everything, international Jewry and its helpers, will grow.’’
It took only two post-war decades for the Jews to recover. The western world is now firmly under the control of the bankers, big business and the political elite, aided by the liberals, who Stalin termed ‘‘useful idiots.’’ They are, to a man, International socialists, Marxists and hangers-on. One is left wondering what the men of the allied forces who gave their lives to fight Hitler would have thought if they could see today’s brave new world; gay pride marchers grabbing their crotches in the street, mixed race mongrel marriages, ghetto’s, violence, the criminalisation of free speech . . .
Above all, the political indoctrination of the young into International Marxism.

Myth #2 – National Socialism
Western propaganda defines the term ‘Nazi’ as containing extreme right wing views. This is false. Consider the origins, National socialist German workers Party (NSDAP). All countries are socialist, the term ‘social’ means people, a collection or gathering of like-minded individuals, with the same culture, likes and patriotism. Do you believe in patriotic values? Do you believe your country is ‘special and exceptional’? If so, from whatever country you are from, in political terms you are a Nazi. It is not something one should be ashamed of being, or believing in.
The difference lies in the terms, International and National Socialism. The term International is Marxist and presumes all races are equal and people can mix. In this definition, there is no nationalism and what is happening in the western hemisphere is a huge social engineering experiment never before experienced in history. It is no coincidence that the whole of Europe and the U.S. have open borders. It has failed and so affirmative action, politically correct speech and anti-discrimination laws have been introduced to force people to change.

Myth #3 – Racism
Hitler was a nationalist, not a racist. In Hitler’s SS, over a third originated from foreign nations, including a Muslim Handschar division, Indians, Arabs and a Russian Vlasov RLA. This was whilst the blacks in the U.S. armed forces were still segregated, and twenty years before the UK, who still had signs in guesthouses in the 1960’s which read ‘‘No Irish, dogs or blacks.’’
Hitler believed in the superiority of races and distinctions amongst them, not racism which is a dislike of colour. The Second World War German army was the most ethnically diverse in history. Hitler simply believed in the separation of races and the total exclusion of the Jews. The ‘white supremacy’ label then is a recent add on, designed to evoke feelings of racialism amongst a dumbed down and largely ignorant population. Six million, Oi veh! It is all designed to mislead and misinform!
I firmly believe that in times to come, probably not in our lifetime, the west will again awake and view Hitler as a man ahead of his time, a prophet. The Jews are a clever and manipulative race, but their downfall, repeated throughout history, is that their genetic inheritance and a racial predisposition for wealth, deception and control, means that they are destined to repeat the same mistakes, which led Hitler to embark on a National Socialist crusade.