Seamus P. Heaney
Daily Stormer
February 1, 2015
Okay lets get some facts straight right off the bat here. Based upon figures from the 2011 British census, Northern Ireland has a population of approximately 1.8 million. My Northern Irish comrades tell me this once all White country is being flooded with non-Whites in the name of so called “diversity” and “tolerance.” The anti-White propaganda lines used to justify these genocidal policies (because remember, “diversity” is just code for progressively less and less White people) are typically either “well the Irish emigrated to America” or “we can’t have any more friction between groups because we are just over the troubles.”
Obviously these are all insane strawman arguments used to justify flooding this country with non-Whites, and apparently this is all happening at breakneck pace. I have been told this “vibrancy” push is a relatively recent phenomenon, commencing suddenly within the past 5 years or so and ramping up in pace exponentially each year.
The big concern is the small size and population of NI, this makes the situation even more precarious; transporting just 20% of ONE African CITY over there would be enough to genocide the indigenous Whites via assimilation.
Some figures:
Total population is 1.8 million
Belfast is the capital city with a population of 288k
Derry is the second city with a population of just 85k
Lisburn is another larger city with a population of 120k
A larger town in NI has something like 24-38k people at the maximum end of the scale.
There are basically a handful of towns and cities to “diversify” and with population sizes that small it could be game over for a White NI within a short space of time.

So how’s “diversity” working out for Northern Ireland? Well here’s the latest headline news from the place.
A 32-year-old Somalian man arrested as part of the investigation has been detained under the Mental Health Order and transferred to a secure hospital.
Mr Bhatti’s body was found on Botanic Avenue, near the city centre, at about 05:00 GMT on Thursday
Note the anti-White establishment using the old “oh don’t worry about all of this, he was just insane and not right in the head, this never happens honest” angle to smooth things over.
Here we have another news source using the old “he came to Northern Ireland for a better life” line, a truly idiotic argument of the highest order. Okay, question is what makes him so special? Why should he be the only Pakistani person allowed to come to Northern Ireland for a “better life.” They have a population of 182 million over there. If we just allow 1% of them (pretty much exactly the population size of Northern Irish Whites) to come to NI for a “better life” (thus oppressing all the other 99% of them and stopping their quest for a “better life” in NI) then it’s essentially the same as just handing over Northern Irish to Pakistanis and their mixed race Pakistani/Irish off spring. Let’s be honest, all this “diversity” is nothing more than:
“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;” (Genocide Convention Article 2c) on the indigenous White Northern Irish.
The real question the Northern Irish should be asking themselves is why these people are being flooded into their country, who would come up with such a scheme and what is the end game of it all?