Daily Stormer
January 31, 2014

In Jew-run America, nothing is more important than racial diversity. Every area of life must “enriched” by non-whites, and if something is disproportionately white, then it must be destroyed. The latest example of this comes from the Brooklyn elementary school Ditmas Park, which has announced that its gifted program will be discontinued because of its lack of diversity.
From the NY Daily News:
A popular gifted program will get the axe after Ditmas Park school officials chose diversity over exclusivity.
Citing a lack of diversity, PS 139 Principal Mary McDonald informed parents in a letter that the Students of Academic Rigor and two other in-house programs would no longer accept applications for incoming kindergartners.
“Our Kindergarten classes will be heterogeneously grouped to reflect the diversity of our student body and the community we live in,” McDonald told parents in a letter posted on the photo-sharing site flickr and obtained by Ditmas Park Corner.
More than two thirds of the school’s roughly 1,000 students are black or hispanic while Asian-American and white students made up 28%, according to Education Dept. records.

Thanks to the efforts of school administrators, the more gifted White and Asian students will be forced to be educated alongside low IQ blacks and Hispanics. The unintelligent and unruly dark-skinned students will destroy the learning environment for everyone, ensuring that academic performance will decline.
Truly, the god of diversity will bring about the complete destruction of civilization if we remain obedient to the Jews, the high priests of this wicked idol.