Majority Rights
May 6, 2014
Universities in the great state of Washington seem to be particularly big on mandated white race-replacement as well, of course, as straightforward anti-white racism. In the sick world of the white liberal academic it’s fine and dandy to bounce around racistically – indeed marxistically – “criticizing” and re-educating students of their own race. If they are white.
How otherwise intelligent people arrive at such a moral and intellectual station I can scarcely imagine. But they do it, obviously, without realising that their exciting new Jewish “critique” of supposed white herd behaviour is actually herd behaviour itself, and neither they nor any else is made free by it. They do not notice that they have been turned into vile, humourless, identikit ideologues … interchangeable cyphers propagandising for the very race-hate they think they are consigning to history.
But there is one man in the American North-West who has their best interests at heart, and who is striving single-handedly to save them from themselves. Along with their students, of course. That man is the indefatigable, not to say incorrigible and all round indomitable Jimmy Marr.
Jimmy’s latest gesture towards racial enlightenment occurred on Monday this week, at the WWU “Diversity Is …” rally:
Students rallied Monday, April 28, to celebrate diversity at Western Washington University.
The student-organized “Day of Action: ‘Diversity Is’” rally received support from university staff and the Bellingham community. President Bruce Shepard sent the student body an email urging them to participate in the event. Shepard did not attend the rally. Other members of the administration attended the rally in person.
The reactionary rally was born out of the negative responses spread through Twitter and the media about diversification comments made by Western President Bruce Shepard that some deemed “anti-white,” in addition to on-campus protests that equated diversity to “white genocide.”
Jimmy explains:
recently visited Western Washington University where the president, staff and student body are notoriously anti-White.
They have an annual “Diversity is ….” rally in which students make and march with signs expressing what diversity means to them.
I’d been working on a design created by Linux Lewis for about six months and decided to use this event for debuting a prototype.
The Diversity Swastika made quite a stir. So much so that police segregated me from the other marchers.
I’m pictured in my confinement with a reporter/cameraman form KIRO 7 News of Seattle. I gave them an excellent interview, but nothing has been produced.