DNA Ties Black to 7 Different Rape Victims

19 Action News
December 22, 2013

robert green
68 year old Robert Green is going to plead not guilty.

Multiple charges have been filed against a suspected serial rapist, and there could be even more.

The charges were filed against Robert Green.

Court papers show Green is tied to six attacks. And, we’ve learned of plans to file charges for a seventh. That’s a total of seven rapes.

Now, investigators wonder, could there be more?

Police say for years, it went like this: A predator driving the streets, usually Cleveland’s Northeast side, kidnapping women at gunpoint then raping them, and getting away with it.

Now, Green’s past is catching up with him.

Investigators used DNA and they say they’ve tied Green to seven sexual assaults dating back to 1993.

How’d he hide on your streets for so long? Investigators did not have his DNA in a database.

We’ve learned in the past, he’d been arrested for sexual assaults in California, but was cleared. Police also arrested him on a gun charge. But, that was before police started routinely taking DNA samples.

Cleveland Police investigators used old fashioned detective work to come up with Green as a suspect in a few cases. And now, the total is seven.

Green now 68-years-old. His health is failing. He’s fighting the charges. But, the push for justice for those old crimes is still building.