DNC Caught Auctioning-Off High Gov’t Positions and It’s Trump and Putin’s Fault!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 14, 2016


“Herr Trump just DMed me on Twitter and gave the go-ahead – it’s time to release the documents that will crush human rights and democracy once and for all!” -Vladimir Putin

The latest DNC scandal is the mother of all scandals.

This is YUGE. It’s so huge, I don’t even know where to start covering it.

They have literally gotten caught selling ambassadorships and other high-up government positions, mostly to Jews.

This is all just happening RIGHT NOW, but the early DNC response has been to do what they’ve been doing – blame Russia!

The DNC has released a statement with NO RESPONSE to the information, simply claiming – without any evidence whatsoever – that the Russians did it to thwart democracy – and to help Donald Trump!

This is where we’re at with these people – they are openly selling government positions to the highest bidder, then they claim pointing it out is an anti-democracy conspiracy!

Well, if “democracy” means bribing the government for political power – and anyone who exposes this is anti-democracy – then I have to say: democracy is the most corrupt system of government which has ever existed in history, and it needs to be abolished.

20160913_DNChack1 20160913_DNChack2

Partial donor lists (click to enlarge)

Some of the Donors

We are still figuring out who from the list got a position in the government (some of the Ambassadors we posted here) – the mainstream media, which has the resources to do this quickly, is of course not touching it – but here are a few examples of the pay-to-play donor scammers the internet has dug up so far.

Richard M. Lobo


Richard M. Lobo’s wife, Caren Lobo, gave $716,000 to the DNC.


In 2010, Obama nominated him for Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau. He was confirmed by the Senate.

He appears to be a Jew.

Pamela Hamamoto


Pamela Hamamoto gave the DNC $605,000 and promptly became the Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva.

Jane Hartley


Jane Hartley gave the DNC $605,000 and then was nominated by Obama to serve both as the United States Ambassador to the French Republic and the Principality of Monaco. This also took place in 2014.

Crystal Nix-Hines


Crystal Nix-Hines gave the DNC $600,000 and was then nominated by the TOP APE to be the US Permanent Representative to UNESCO as Ambassador.

Bruce J. Oreck


Bruce J. Oreck gave $1,136,613 to the DNC was rewarded by being given the position of US ambassador to Finland between 2009 and 2015.

Robert A. Mandell


Robert A. Mandell, a Jew, donated $1,121,250 to the DNC and was then named by President Obama as the Ambassador to Luxembourg in June 2011. He served in this capacity until 2015.

Julius Genachowski


Julius Genachowski, a Jew who is always on about his parents surviving a fake Holocaust, gave $3,494,919 to the DNC and served as Chairman of the FCC from 2009 to 2013.


Karol Mason

Karol Mason

Karol Mason gave $856,000 to the DNC and Obama awarded her with a position as Assistant Attorney General, Office of Justice Programs.

Third World Circus


The third world President has turned out country into a third world circus in every conceivable way.

So really, this third world-style corruption shouldn’t really surprise anyone.

However, c’mon. I mean. C’mon.

How can this go unpunished?

Someone in the government has to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate this – don’t they?

Well, special prosecutors are appointed by Congress. We have a Republican Congress, but presumably, the GOP is just as corrupt. Or at least 10% as corrupt, which would still be a massive scandal.

And here’s the thing: the media isn’t covering this.

Really, at all.


Google Newsing “DNCLeaks” gives you Colin Powell (pronounced “Colon Pao”) drama, and some other nonsense – one blog piece about the pay-to-play.

I mean, the media tends to be slower than the Daily Stormer, so maybe they just haven’t gotten organized yet. But you’d think there would be something.

But no.

All they are covering is the Colin Powell (pronounced “Colin Pao”) drama scandal. That’s a top story. So much so that even I wrote about it this morning before getting into this heavy stuff.

It’s just.

I mean.

Wow just wow.

I can’t even.