Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 12, 2015

Comments system is switching over.
Registering for disqus is self-explanatory. So just do that, if you haven’t already.
Old comments are being uploaded and should reappear soon.
I hope.
What this will do is make the comments section much better. People will be able to up or down vote comments, which will ensure the crap stays on the bottom and the good stuff stays on top, while still allowing for a rather loose free speech policy. Crap commenters cannot complain when democracy puts their crap on the bottom, and others are not forced to read their crap as they will be aware that the best comments are up top.
This system also allows people to post pictures, and to edit their comments. It also makes things easier on my end, as it auto-moderates spam.
All is very well.
Should be less than an hour before the old comments appear. But anyway, you can now comment using this new system, so no matter.
UPDATE: Possible Troubles
I’m having a bit of trouble getting the hang of the way this works, so be patient.
If you have a new account, I have to approve your first post. So if it says “awaiting approval” just chill. If you have an old disqus account, it should just let you post freely. Whether or not you post links or pictures may or may not affect this situation, I haven’t fully tested it.
Also, there is a problem with showing the number of comments on the front page, which I am going to have to get someone to look at. It is showing the wrong number.
And then: the old comments have not been migrated yet. I thought they would be by now, but they aren’t.
I don’t think it is a huge rush, as it is more of an archive thing, but I’m gonna try to get it worked out ASAP.
Overall, things seem good.