Doctor Gook’s Wild Ride Stormpoll: Whom is the Guilty Party?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 12, 2017

Doctor Gook's Wild Ride

Following yesterday’s post on the dragging out of an Asian man from an overbooked plane by niggercops, an event which has come to be known as “Doctor Gook’s Wild Ride,” I found that many disagreed about whom is the guilty party.

Many blamed Doctor Gook himself for being a whiny Asian gook who wouldn’t get off the plane after losing a lottery. It has been revealed that Doctor Gook is a homosexual drug addict.

Still others blamed the niggercops for being overly brutal with Doctor Gook (though some claim the niggercops had no choice).

Other still blamed United Airlines, for overbooking and then boarding an overbooked plane with too many people and then not offering enough money to get someone else to voluntarily get off the plane.

Still others blamed the Jews.

Who is the guilty party most responsible for the Doctor Gook’s Wild Ride event?

Doctor Gook Himself
The Niggercops
United Airlines
The Jews

Poll Maker

This is something that I think it is important to come to a consensus on as a community.

One thing we recently came to a consensus on as a community of MISOGYNISTS is that the girls don’t seem to care what’s on, just as long as it plays til dawn with no static at all; furthermore, if you give her some fucked up music, she treats you nice.

This was connected to the community conclusion that women are stupid and shallow and have zero appreciation of art and simply want to get wasted dance around like monkeys.

Now that’s what I call RED PILL PHILOSOPHY.