Daily Stormer
July 21, 2014

An evil Jew doctor was ordered off of a New York-bound JetBlue flight for screaming at a Palestinian passenger, calling her a murderer and accusing her of a bomb plot.
Lisa Rosenberg, an obstetrician working in Queens (probably an abortion doctor), was dragged off the plane for using hate-words; according to a flight attendant aboard the plane “customers seated in the immediate area expressed concern for their safety because of Dr. Rosenberg.”
The accounts from a flight attendant, along with a report of the Complains Resolution Official (CRO), and witnesses on the plane show were obtained by Steven Frischling, who works in airport security and posted snippets of the reports on his blog, Flying with Fish.
“(Dr. Rosenberg) accused the customer of being a Palestinian murderer, and that her people are all murderers, and that they murder children,” the unnamed flight attendant wrote. Rosenberg “ranted, and attempted to get physically closer to the (Palestinian) customer in (seat) 9C. I immediately insisted that she stop all type of that talk in the aircraft.”
The official accounts conflict dramatically with Rosenberg’s version of the July 7 incident as the plane prepared to leave from the West Palm Beach airport.
Rosenberg told reporters that was forced to leave the plane after arguing with a fellow-passenger about the Israeli war in Gaza. She asserted she was targeted for expulsion because of her Jewish faith and called the move an “anti-Semitic hate crime.”
She alerted the Anti-Defamation League to the incident, which said it was looking into her claims.
Rosenberg would not discuss the incident with the Forward and her lawyer, Fred Rosenberg, did not return calls seeking comment on the revelations.
Before Rosenberg was asked to leave, airline officials told her about rules against discrimination, and that, “JetBlue provides equal service to all passengers regardless of race, creed or color.”
But Rosenberg refused to listen, and continued to harass the Palestinian woman for everyone to hear, despite the fact that multiple witnesses confirmed that they had seen no instigation from the Palestinan passenger in 9C, the documents said.
The final straw came when Rosenberg implied that the Palestinian woman had a bomb on her person and intended to blow up the plane.
According to Frischling, the CRO reported exactly the same account of the incident.
Frischling later added, that given his experience in working with airport security, he was surprised Rosenberg was not detained by federal Homeland Security authorities for making false claims about a potential bombing.
The CRO filed his report in Palm Beach, where the flight left, and the flight attendant wrote hers in New York where the flight eventually landed.
Frischling says as a Jew he is offended by Rosenberg’s conduct and has no doubt that JetBlue officials acted properly in ordering her off the flight. He noted the publicity around the incident makes it unusual, but unruly passengers are commonplace on American flights.
Leave it to the Jews to create a terror scare and then suffer no consequences and then try to get money from it by claiming an airline has an unspecified type of secret hatred of their race.
These people just never quit, do they?