Dog Belonging to White Woman Murdered by Black Boyfriend Returns to Comfort Victims Family

Nola Defender
April 11, 2015

Jeff Frojd, the uncle of New Orleans murder victim Julia Anderson, stands with Anderson’s dog, “Momma,” in Kansas City.

On March 19, Julia Anderson was murdered in an act of domestic violence. There is no cure for the pain that her family feels, but the Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (La-SPCA) took one small step to ease their pain. The group tracked down Anderson’s family in Missouri and returned the victim’s dog.

Alicia Haefele, Communications Director for the La-SPCA said that after the murder, EMS bought Anderson’s dog, Momma to the group. The group scanned the dog and the implanted microchip helped them find the victim’s parents Jeannine and Jim, as well as their Missouri address.

The couple wanted their daughter’s furry friend, but there was the issue of getting Momma to her home 835 miles away. Fortunately, the La-SPCA already had scheduled the 13 hour trip north for their specially equipped transport trailer.

Christopher Hutsell was arrested straight after stabbing his White girlfriend in the neck and killing her.

On Wednesday (4.01), Jeff Frojd, Jeannine’s brother, met up with the transport and took Momma home to Jeanine and Jim.

“Being with Momma is the only thing keeping me going,” says Jeannine Anderson. “Our family will gain strength from Momma.”

She was killed in a McDonalds parking lot.

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