Doing a Drug Deal with Blacks Ended Up Killing These 2 White Men

York Dispatch
January 11, 2015

Braydon Greer Aldinger was shot dead during a drug deal with two Blacks.

A defendant in a 2013 double-homicide case tearfully recalled the shootings as he pleaded guilty to two counts of voluntary manslaughter Monday morning, saying his eyes were filled with blood from being beaten at the time his attackers were shot.

A jury trial was scheduled to start for co-defendants Dejerek Basil Smallwood, 22, of 807 W. Poplar St., and 23-year-old Laquan Anderson Pierrelouis in the double homicide of Braydon Aldinger and Derek Ferree in the 500 block of West Mason Avenue.

But Smallwood avoided trial for first-degree murder and pleaded guilty to two counts of voluntary manslaughter for his involvement in the Nov. 23, 2013, homicides. Had a jury found him guilty of first-degree murder, he would have faced a mandatory sentence of life in prison.

The plea was open, meaning there was no negotiated plea with the state and no sentencing agreement for prison time on the voluntary manslaughter charges.

Pierrelouis is also expected to enter a plea after Smallwood is sentenced Feb. 24, according to prosecutors.

Derek Ferree was also killed during the same drug deal.

The charges: According to court documents, a third defendant, Arianna Tavares of York City, told detectives she had been buying heroin from Pierrelouis but at some point he stole some of her money.

She made a plan with Aldinger, 23, of Danielle Court in Manchester Township, and Ferree, 26, of Old Mill Inn Road in Manchester Township, to rob Pierrelouis and get her money back, documents state.

But Tavares said the three of them abandoned the plot when they bumped into a person who was looking to buy heroin and had the cash to do it, according to documents.

Tavares told detectives she called Pierrelouis and arranged a meeting, after which she, Aldinger and Ferree met Pierrelouis and Smallwood in the 500 block of West Mason Avenue about 7 p.m. that night, documents allege.

That’s when the four men got into a physical altercation, police said.

She said that during the fight, she heard Pierrelouis repeatedly say “Give me that!” to Smallwood; Tavares told detectives Pierrelouis was referring to a gun, according to documents.

Police said Pierrelouis fired at least three times at Aldinger and Ferree, killing the men. Afterward, he fled the scene with Smallwood, police said.

Smallwood offered a different account Monday, saying the men were beating him, and he was scared and his eyes were filled with blood as he reached for the gun he kept in his pocket for protection.

Defense attorney Dawn Cutaia said Smallwood’s involvement amounted to self-defense, but he would have had to convince a jury of that if he had gone to trial.

Laquan Anderson Pierrelouis and Dejerek Basil Smallwood on the right, who pleaded guilty to manslaughter.