Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 15, 2015
Don Black, curator of Stormfront, did an interview with the filthy rat kike Evan Osnos for New Yorker Magazine. Osnos went ahead and titled the interview “How Does a White Supremacist See America Today?”
This Osnos has to be the greasiest kike yet. Like, you could really run a fleet of go-carts off the oily ooze dripping off this Jew’s face.

The interview is a bit sad. Not sure why Don subjects himself to this sort of abuse. I told all these Jews to stop contacting me and I will post their emails.
For those who missed it last time, here’s the email this Jew sent me when he was trying to frame me for Dylann Roof (then later decided to try to frame me for Donald Trump).

He’s all like “I’m down, bro, I’m down, I’m cool, you can trust me, bro.” He thinks a good-natured midwestern boy is stupid enough to fall for his Jew tricks.
No dice.
Anyway, I just want to say here on the record: Don Black is a hero, and an inspiration to all of us. He has lived his life fully, and dedicated himself to the cause.
Stormfront was the first pro-White website. And they changed the narrative.