Don Jr. Speaks Out Against Instagram Shadowbanning Right-Wingers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2018

Honestly it’s time for me to put this out there. For weeks I’ve been watching my #instagram analytics and noticed a crazy drop off in new followers. I used to average around 10,000 + new followers a week and then it just dropped off. See screenshot from last week where despite over 7,000,000 impressions THAT WEEK I added 0 new followers. Also see video and pic where a friend searching MY NAME got a message warning that “Posts with words or tags you’re searching for often encourage behavior that can cause harm and even lead to death”… REALLY?!?! Are you fricken kidding me? @zuck this is insane. I get that my 3 year old Chloe can be pretty aggressive as are a few of my humorous memes, but this is ridiculous. If this account “could cause harm and even lead to death” we have serious problems. The #shadowban nonsense and the hysteria RE any conservative thought has to stop. #enough #mastersoftheuniverse #censorship

A post shared by Donald Trump Jr. (@donaldjtrumpjr) on

White pill for ya, m8.

CBS News:

Donald Trump Jr., President Trump’s oldest son who helps the Trump Organization, posted on Instagram Friday he had a “crazy drop-off in new followers,” which he said was due to search results of his name.

He posted a video of the top searches associated with #donaldtrumpjr, which included #donaldtrumpjrisatoll, #donaldtrumpjrcolludedwithrussia and #donaldtrumpjrisaliar. A more positive result, #donaldtrumpjr2024, also showed up.

The video also showed a warning that he claimed a friend received when searching his name. The message said “Can we help? Posts associated with words or tags that you’re searching for often encourage behavior that can cause harm or even lead to death. If you’re going through something difficult, we’d like to help.” The warning did not show up for CBS News when searching.

The third slide in the video showed some of the memes, some which appeared mean-spirited, that appeared to show up under a search for his name.

In the post accompanying the video, Trump Jr. claimed he had been watching his analytics for weeks, and he wrote he averaged 7 million impressions last week but he claimed he got no new followers.

“I get that my 3 year old Chloe can be pretty aggressive as are a few of my humorous memes, but this is ridiculous,” Trump Jr. wrote. “If this account ‘could cause harm and even lead to death’ we have serious problems. The #shadowban nonsense and the hysteria RE any conservative thought has to stop.”

Facebook, which owns Instagram, did not respond to a request for comment.

Instagram is not a platform that I have ever used or am familiar with or interested in.

However, the President’s son speaking out against ANY form of internet censorship bodes well.

A good omen.

And you know.

His dad owes us one.

Let’s get Ajit Pai on an Internet Bill of Rights which tells these companies that yes, the internet is a public space and yes, a social media monopoly is a part of the TOWN SQUARE and they do not have a right to restrict people’s free speech rights in order to push a political agenda.

The tech companies themselves are now overwhelmed and losing money from all of the pressure put on them by all of these private interest groups (SPLC/ADL/etc.) that they are more than ready to accept some kind of code like this. Even if the Jews who head the companies don’t like it, it is going to be tough for them to come out and be like “as Jews, because of the Holocaust… no one can have free speech in America.”

Leftists are already calling for regulation based on Cambridge Analytica and their kook theories about Russian social media ads. And there cannot be tech regulation without an enforcement of Constitutional rights.

The ground is fertile.