Donald Kushner Threatens Xi: More Tariffs If He Doesn’t Attend Globohomo G20 Faggot Fest!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 11, 2019

A Donald Kushner supporter poses near a gigantic statue of a cock.

It’s Gay Pride Month and that means it’s time for the G20 – that’s where every “goy” takes “20” Jew dicks up his ass.

Proud Chinese Leader Chairman Xi isn’t all that interested in the event. But Donald Kushner wants him there, to take part in this internal anal event.


US President Donald Trump’s threat of more tariffs if Chinese President Xi Jinping doesn’t show up to the G20 summit is a “new low” for US diplomacy, crossing the line and threatening to unravel global trade, analysts tell RT.

China will agree to a trade deal with the US “because they have to,” Trump said on Monday, adding that new tariffs on Chinese goods will go into effect immediately if Xi does not attend the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan later this month. Washington and Beijing have been negotiating a new trade deal for months, without results.

“This is a new low in American diplomacy,” Sourabh Gupta, senior policy specialist at the Institute for China America Studies, told RT. “That an American president would advance and impose tariffs on a counterpart country if that country’s president did not consent to a sit-down bilateral meeting on the sidelines of a multilateral summit is absurd, to the point of being almost comical.”

China may take its time to respond, but will most likely accept the meeting, Gupta told RT, predicting that the next three weeks will witness “nervous times” in economic diplomacy between Beijing and Washington.

Yeah, strange days.

China needs to keep that money flowing, but America is about to internally collapse any minute now. So it’s just a strategic waiting game.

I stopped caring about the trade stuff as soon as Donald Kushner said he was only going to allow foreigners to work in any new factories he builds.

Then I saw that gay hat and I was just like “just fuck it all, man.”

America is truly Sodom and God should just kill everyone, basically.

I don’t know what else to say at this point.