Donald Trump Galvanizes the White Resistance

Hunter Wallace
Occidental Dissent
July 14, 2016


The New York Times has a big new article on Donald Trump and the White Right:

“The chant erupts in a college auditorium in Washington, as admirers of a conservative internet personality shout down a black protester. It echoes around the gym of a central Iowa high school, as white students taunt the Hispanic fans and players of a rival team. It is hollered by a lone motorcyclist, as he tears out of a Kansas gas station after an argument with a Hispanic man and his Muslim friend.




In countless collisions of color and creed, Donald J. Trump’s name evokes an easily understood message of racial hostility. Defying modern conventions of political civility and language, Mr. Trump has breached the boundaries that have long constrained Americans’ public discussion of race. …”

I agree with the general consensus which is reported in this article:

1.) Donald Trump is not one of us. He isn’t a racialist. He isn’t a White Nationalist. He certainly isn’t a Southern Nationalist. Trump can best be described as a nostalgic American civic nationalist who is driven by instinct and who taps into the racial and cultural grievances of the White majority. Still, Trump is a nationalist of sorts though, and he speaks our language, which is why we relate to him. After decades of cuckservatism, Trump’s message is a breath of fresh air.

2.) The cucks don’t have any principled objection to Trump. They have spent decades tapping into the same vein of racial and cultural anxiety in White America. Their objection to Trump is that they have lost control of their base and can’t harness all that energy and resentment to push their awful economic agenda.

3.) Trump is like an elephant who is trampling all over the boundaries of “mainstream” political discourse. He is breaking the rules and leading a mass movement of millions of White people off the reservation. In that sense, Trump is nothing but a good thing for us and I am going to continue to cheer him on.

4.) Trump has inflicted a fatal blow on the cucks. For that we owe him a debt of gratitude. Everything else that happens in this election cycle is just icing on the cake. The destruction of the cucks has always been the precondition of a nationalist revival.

5.) Hurricane Trump is headed toward the White House. The only question is how much damage he will inflict on the status quo before all of this is over. In victory or defeat, Trump will have been a good thing for us. He will either win in spite of the cucks, which will forever end their power to police the Right, or he will lose and illustrate that America Won’t Be Great Again, although the great majority of White Southerners will back him in the election.

6.) Trump will be gone at some point. I can’t say whether it will be next year, four years from now, or eight years from now, but the landscape he leaves behind will be “good for the Whites” and at the end of the day that is all that matters.

7.) Trump is proving that our ideas are “mainstream” in White America even if the media elites acts like our ideas are “fringe.” Whether it is the Muslim ban, the Wall, deporting illegals, an immigration pause, tearing up free trade agreements, avoiding stupid globalist foreign wars, giving up on policing the world, or scrapping political correctness, Trump is taking popular ideas and forging them into a political reality.

The Quinnipiac poll out this morning shows Trump tied with Hillary in Ohio and leading in Pennsylvania and Florida. The race is tightening up now that Paul Manafort has brought Trump under control. He has been giving some great speeches, putting meat on the bones of his rhetoric, avoiding unnecessary controversies and letting Hillary hang herself. If he keeps this up, he has a real shot at winning in November.