Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 17, 2015

All the GOP candidates are nominally coming out in support of not having Syrian terrorists come to America, but the Donald is the only one saying if any get let in, he will send them back, and he will also start shutting down mosques in the US.
Donald Trump said at a rally in Knoxville, Tenn., he would deport Syrian migrant who is allowed into the U.S., and questioned whether those with ties to ISIS would be using the migration crisis as a “Trojan Horse” to get into Europe and the United States to carry out attacks. Earlier in the day, Trump went so far as to say the United States should consider shutting down mosques in the wake of the Paris attacks.
On the other hand, if you want to be murdered on the streets of your own city by Moslem terrorists, you should vote for a Democrat. All of the Democratic candidates have said that that will bring tens of thousands of terrorists.
This is all looking very good for the Donald. The establishment GOP candidates can’t possibly meet his level of based rhetoric, and then when he gets the nomination and the Democrat is arguing like “no, we need more terrorists in America, because we have to give welfare to poor people,” they are going to get destroyed.
Not wanting to die is a very popular political position, across the spectrum.